EDITORS: Bill Freund, Gerhard Mart, Mike Moms (University of Natal), Vishnu Padayachee (University of Durban-Westville) CORRESPONDING EDITORS: Colin Bundy, Robert Davies (University of the Western-Cape), Stephen Gelb, Shireen Hassim, Mala Singh (University of Durban-Westville), Peter Hudson, Debbie Posel (University of the Witwatersrand), David Kaplan, Dave Lewis, Mary Simons (University of Cape Town), Francie Lund, Yvonne Muthien (University of Natal). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Gillian Hart (University of California, Berkeley), Mahmood Mamdani (Centre of Basic Research, Kampala), Martin Murray (SUNY Binghamton), Robin Murray (University of Sussex), Dan O'Meara (University de Quebec a Montreal), Terence Ranger (University of Oxford), Elling N Tjenneland (Christian Michelsen Institute, Norway), Gavin Williams (University of Oxford). Readers will note a new editorial format for Transformation. We are now creating two separate categories, one of editors within the country who can play a supporting task for the journal, and another, of foreign editors, who will also be able to aid the journal but inevitably at a greater distance. The present list is still somewhat incomplete as we await correspondence with nominated individuals. LAYOUT BY: Marion Evans PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: We ask contributors to submit two (2) typed copies, following the format (on such issues as references and notes) of articles in this issue of TRANSFORMATION. Whilst the journal will cater for work at any level of abstraction, or detail, a number of criteria will guide the editors in selection of material for inclusion. Articles should aim for academic rigour but also clarify the political implications of the issues discussed. We are concerned not to compete with other South African journals that may cover related ground but in different ways - this will govern our selection principles. All articles will be assessed anonymously by the referees. Contributions should preferably not exceed the following lengths: Analytical articles: 7 000 words Debates and review articles: 3 000 words The views expressed in TRANSFORMATION do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. EDITORIAL AND CONTRIBUTIONS ADDRESS: TRANSFORMATION, c/o Economic History Department University of Natal King George V Ave 4001 Durban South Africa SUBSCRIPTIONS RATES AND ADDRESS AT THE BACK OF THIS ISSUE. ISSN: 0258 - 7696 TRANS 22 199 FORM ATION CONTENTS Articles WHAT IS THE PROBLEM OF ETHNICITY IN AFRICA? 1 The first articles in this issue of Transformation broach the subject of ethnicity which has become increasingly salient to debates about the future of South Africa. The Nigerian social scientist CLAUDE AKE considers that blanket hostility to expressions of ethnic identity and community in Africa have been misguided. Ethnicity has been a vibrant and legitimate construction of civil society, not simply a manipulated idea from outside. Africa must advance through recognising and working with identities that exist rather than through self-alienation. B E Y O N D T H E ETHNIC GROUP: ETHNIC GROUPS, N A T I O N - S T A T E A N D D E M O C R A C Y I NM A D A G A S C A R . . . . 15 Another contribution from elsewhere in Africa on the question of ethnicity, and federalism, is by the Madagascar historian D. TOVORENA RAKOTONDRABE. He argues that ethnicity in Madagascar is partly artificial, partly a colonial creation but that it has an importance in people's lives. So does regional identity, which is not the same as ethnicity. His essay is a critique of two dominant political discourses in Madagascar, one of which insists on bolstering the power of ethnically defined regionalism, simply to enhance the role of local elites and party bosses while the other demands total central control. Unity from the top will not build a nation, he argues; regionalism is an essential developmental building-block but it cannot be based on ethnic claims to exclusive legitimacy. HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE AFRICAN CULTURAL TRADITION 30 T.W. BENNETT considers a somewhat related theme, that of tradition and cultural priorities as and when they clash with basic human rights provision. Can the future South African constitution acknowledge African legal precedents as they have been codified as customary law without doing violence to demands for human rights? He especially concerns himself with the rights of women and children. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES OF INFORMAL SECTOR ACTIVITY AND THE LESSONS FOR SOUTH AFRICA 51 The informal sector is the site of more and more employment internationally in conditions of mounting formal sector unemployment and poverty. Undesirable-as an ideal option, it must be confronted as a reality. CLAUDIA MANNING surveys critically the international literature, considers its particular relevance to South Africa and looks at policy options. WHAT IS FORDISM? RESTRUCTURING WORK IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN 70 JUDY MALLER AND BARRY DWOLATSKY review the international debate about Fordism and the rise of post-Fordist forms of industrial production. In actually examining the South African metal industry, they find that some of the terms of this debate do not apply and a rigid application of the model will not give an adequate sense of the productivity cut de sac in which South African industry finds itself. Debate HAVE WE GOT A POLICY FOR YOU? A REJOINDER TO CHISHOLM'S 'POLICY AND CRITIQUE IN SOUTH AFRICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH' 41 MELANIE WALKER takes some issue with Linda Chisholm on the availability and possibilities for bringing together the actual practise of schoolteachers with educational research. She argues that more research into actual practise is available and more needs to be made available in order to formulate policy changes in education.