CONTRIBUTORS CLAUDE AKE is Director of the Centre for Advanced Social Science and formerly Professor at the University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. B. TOVORINA RAKOTONDRABE is mauie-assistant in the History Department of the University of Toamasina, Madagascar. Bill Freund translated this article from the French. TOM BENNETT is professor of Public Law, University of Cape Town. CLAUDIA MANNING studied at the University of Sussex and is currently working for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung office in Cape Town. f MELANIE WALKER is senior lecturer and research f co-ordinator at the Academic Development Centre, University . of Western Cape. JUDYMALLER AND BARRY DWOLATSKY are attached to the Sociology of Work Unit at the University of the Witwatersrand. TRANSFORMATION Is a South African journal serving as a forum for analysis and debate about this society and the surrounding area. Please note: 1. That the TRANSFORMATION subscription rates are as follows : SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1992/3 4 issues Southern United Kingdom, North America Africa & Europe (R) (£) ($) Individuals 26.00 25.00 40.00 Institutions 45.00 35.00 55.00 Single Issue 7.00 7.00 12.00 2. That back copies are sold at current single issue rate; 3. That issues 1-6 and 8 are no longer available, and some other back issues are in short supply; 4. That your subscription runs for 4 issues, but that we usually do 3 issues per annum; 5. That we no longer have a surface mail subscription rate as all copies outside of southern Africa are sent through Mailfast SUBSCRIPTIONS to be sent to: TRANSFORMATION, P.O. BOX 37432,4067 Overport, South Africa. SUBSCRIPTION TO TRANSFORMATION: NEW RENEWAL From number Name: Address: