TRANS FORM ATOM critical perspectives on Southern Africa EDITORS : Bill Freund, Gerhard Hare, Hike Morris ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Vishnu Padayachee (Univ. Durban-Westvilie); Steven Gelb (LERC); Pete Hudson, Alan Mabin (Univ. Hitwatersrand); David Kaplan (Univ. Cape Town), Colin Bundy (Univ. Western Cape); Robert Davies (Univ. Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo); Gavin Williams (Univ. Oxford); Dan O'Meara (CIDMAA, Montreal); Alan Hirsch (Columbia Univ., New York). PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: We ask contributors to submit two (2) typed copies, following the format (on such issues as references and notes) of articles in this issue of TRANSFORMATION. Whilst the journal will cater for work at any level of abstraction or detail, a number of criteria will guide the editors In selection of material for inclusion. Articles should aim for academic rigour but also clarify the political implications of the Issues discussed. We are concerned not to compete with other South African journals that may cover related ground but in different ways; this will also govern our selection principles. All contributions will be assessed anonymously by referees. Contribu- tions should preferably not exceed the following lengths: analytical articles: 7000 words debates and review articles: 3000 words The views expressed in TRANSFORMATION do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. EDITORIAL AND CONTRIBUTIONS ADDRESS: TRANSFORMATION, c/o Economic History Department. University of Natal King George V Ave, 4001 Durban, South Africa Subscription rates and address at the back of this issue. ISSN: 0258-7696 TRANS FORM ATTDFT EDITORIAL ARTICLES LET US CRY FOR OUR CHILDREN: lessons of the 1955-6 school boycotts Jonathan Hyslop A BILL OF RIGHTS FOR SOUTH AFRICA Dennis Davis THE SOUTH AFRICAN STATE I N 1924 Robert Morrell DEBATE CRONIN AND NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTION Pete Hudson HISTORY, REVOLUTION AND SOUTH AFRICA Colin Bundy DOCUMENT INAUGURAL ADDRESS Jakes Gerwel REVIEWS REVIEW ARTICLE: Merle Lipton - Capitalism and Apartheid Bill Freund Alf Stadler - The Political Economy of Modern SA Heather Hughes Review Notes