CONTRIBUTORS GUY BERGER is Professor of Journalism at Rhodes University. HA-JOON CHANG teaches Development and Institutional Economics in the Faculty of Economics & Politics, University of Cambridge. JEAN COPANS is vice-chancellor for research at the Jules Verne University of Picardy in Amiens, France. He is a noted Africanist and anthropologist. ARISITAS is Professor of Sociology, University of Natal, Durban. JENS-ERIK TORP and PETER REKVE are based at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. CAROLINE WHITE is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Natal, Durban. She was previously at the Centre for Policy Studies. TRANSFORMATION Is a South African journal serving as a forum for analysis and debate about this society and the surrounding region. Please note: 1. That the TRANSFORMATION subscription rates are as follows: 4 issues Southern United Kingdom, North America Africa & Europe (R) (£) ($) Individuals 32.00 25.00 40.00 Institutions 50.00 35.00 55.00 Single issue 9.00 7.00 12.00 2. That back copies are sold at R5.00 (twenty or more copies for teaching purposes at R3.00 plus postage, if available); 3. That issues 1 - 6, 8, and 11 are no longer available, and some other issues are in short supply; 4. That your subscription runs for 4 issues, but that we usually do 3 issues per annum 5. That we no longer have a surface mail subscription rate as all copies outside of southern Africa are sent through mailfast. SUBSCRIPTIONS to be sent to: TRANSFORMATION, P.O.BOX 37432,4067 Overport, South Africa. SUBCRIPTION TO TRANSFORMATION |NEW | | |RENEWAL | | From number Name: . . Address: