TRANS FORM AT I O N CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON SOUTHERN AFRICA INCLUDED IN THIS ISSUE CHERRYL WALKER LOOKS AT THE WORK OF THE COMMISSION ON RESTITUTION OF LAND RIGHTS. TESSA MARCUS HIGHLIGHTS THE ROLE OF WOMEN CRAFTERS WHO LIVE IN THE SHADOW OF AIDS IN KWAZULU-NATAL. TERENCE RANGER SUGGESTS A RESEARCH AGENDA FOR AFRICAN LANDSCAPE. TRANSFORMATION critical perspectives on Southern Africa ISSN 0258-7696 EDITORS: Keith Breckenridge, Bill Freund, Gerhard Mare, Monique Marks, Imraan Valodia (University of Natal), John Daniel, Adam Habib, Lindy Stiebel (University of Durban- Westville). CORRESPONDING EDITORS: Mike Morris, Vishnu Padayachee (University of Natal), Colin Bundy, Debbie Posel (University of the Witwatersrand), David Kaplan, Dave Lewis, Mary Simons (University of Cape Town). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Henry Bernstein (SOAS, University of London), Gillian Hart (University of California), Mahmood Mamdani (Columbia University), Martin Murray (SUNY Binghamton), Dan O'Meara (University de Quebec a Montreal), Terence Ranger (University of Zimbabwe), John Saul (York University), Elling N Tjenneland (Christian Michelsen Institute, Norway), Gavin Williams (University of Oxford). PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: We ask contributors to submit two (2) typed copies, following the format (on such issues as references and notes) of articles in this issue of TRANSFORMA TION. Whilst the journal will cater for work at any level of abstraction, or detail, a number of criteria will guide the editors in selection of material for inclusion. Articles should aim for academic rigour but also clarify the political implications of the issues discussed. We are concerned not to compete with other South African journals that may cover related ground but in different ways - this will govern our selection principles. All articles will be assessed anonymously by the referees. Contributions should preferably not exceed the following lengths: Analytical articles: 8 000 words Debates, comment and review articles: 3 000 words Also see inside back cover 'Notes for Contributors'. The views expressed in TRANSFORMATION do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. EDITORIAL and CONTRIBUTIONS ADDRESS: TRANSFORMATION Programme of Economic History University of Natal DURBAN 4041 South Africa E-mail & Web: / SUBSCRIPTION RATES and ADDRESS at the back of this issue. TRANS 44 (2000) FORM AtiON Critical perspectives on Southern Africa CONTENTS Editorial The 'Land in Africa: space, culture, history' workshop i Lindy Stiebel, Liz Gunner, Jabulani Sithole Articles Relocating restitution 1 Cherryl Walker, until recently Land Commissioner for KwaZulu-Natal, looks critically at the work of the Commission o n Restitution of Land Rights over the last few ' years. Crafting in the context of AIDS and rural poverty: a livelihood 17 strategy with prospects Tessa Marcus highlights the marginalised but important role of women crafters who live in the shadow of AIDS in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Culture and nature in the Valley of a Thousand Hills - a tough 36 guide to 'other spaces' This article by Malcolm Draper looks at places, such as Thor Chemicals, The Valley Trust and Camelot, which lie along the route between Cato Ridge and Hillcrest in the Valley of a Thousand Hills, which he maintains yield insight into the problematic relationship between culture and nature in very different ways. TRANSFORMATION 44 (2000) ISSN 0258-7696 African views of the land: a research agenda 53 Terence Ranger suggests a research agenda for scholars working on African landscape which encourages investigation of African perceptions of landscape, and thereby greater understanding of crucial struggles for resources, memories and rights. Re-readingtheHluhluwe-Umfolozigamereserve:constructions 63 of a 'natural' space The South African game reserve is frequently promoted as anunproblematically 'natural' and 'timeless' space. Shirley Brooks explores such constructions of the Hluhluwe- Umfolozi reserve and the ends they serve. Landscape and national memory in Steve Chimombo's Napolo 80 Poems MufunanjiMagalasishows how Steve Chimombo's Napolo Poems use the mythological landslide snake 'Napolo' to critique Banda's repressive rule in Malawi. Reviews Terence Ranger's Voices from the Rocks: nature, culture and 91 history in the Matopos Hills of Zimbabwe reviewed by Tinyiko Sam Maluleke Stephen Coan (ed) Diary of an African Journey: the return of Rider 93 Haggard reviewed by Lindy Stiebel.