TRANS AT I O N . CRITICALP€RSPECTIVESONSOUTH€RNAfRICA I 47 Tim IKIIF: Burden of Roce? KEYNOTE ADDRESSES: FRANCOISE VERGES, XOLELA MANGCU, PAUL GILROY DEBORAH POSEL O N RACIAL CATEGORISATIONS UNDER APARTHEID AND THEIR AFTERLIFE GERHARD MARE ON RACE COUNTS IN CONTEMPORARY SOUTH AFRICA PHUMLA GOOLA ON ^ S O F K S REPRESENTATION IN METAPHORS OF THE TRANSFORMATION critical perspectives on Southern Africa ISSN 0258-7696 EDITORS: Keith Breckenridge, John Daniel, Bill Freund, Adam Habib, Gerhard Mare, Monique Marks, Imraan Valodia (University of Natal), Lindy Stiebel (University of Durban- Westville). CORRESPONDING EDITORS: Mike Morris, Vishnu Padayachee (University of Natal), Debbie Posel (University of the Witwatersrand), David Kaplan, Dave Lewis, Mary Simons (University of Cape Town). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Henry Bernstein, Colin Bundy (SOAS, University ofLondon), Gillian Hart (University of California), Mahmood Mamdani (Columbia University), Martin Murray (SUNY Binghamton), Dan O'Meara (University de Quebec a Montreal), Terence Ranger (University ofZimbabwe), John Saul (York University), Elling N Tjanneland (Christian Michelsen Institute, Norway), Gavin Williams (University of Oxford). PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: We ask contributors to submit two (2) typed copies, following the format (on such issues as references and notes) of articles in this issue of TRANSFORMA TION. Whilst the journal will cater for work at any level of abstraction, or detail, a number of criteria will guide the editors in selection of material for inclusion. Articles should aim for academic rigour but also clarify the political implications of the issues discussed. We are concerned not to compete with other South African journals that may cover related ground but in different ways - this will govern our selection principles. All articles will be assessed anonymously by the referees. Contributions should preferably not exceed the following lengths: Analytical articles: 8 000 words Debates, comment and review articles: 3 000 words Also see inside back cover 'Notes for Contributors'. The views expressed in TRANSFORMATION do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. EDITORIAL and CONTRIBUTIONS ADDRESS: TRANSFORMATION Programme of Economic History University of Natal DURBAN 4041 South Africa E-mail & Website: / SUBSCRIPTION RATES and ADDRESS at the back of this issue. TRANS 47 (2001) FORM ATI O N Critical perspectives on Southern Africa CONTENTS Editorial Debating 'race' in South African scholarship i Deborah Posel, Jonathan Hyslop and Noor Nieftagodien Keynote Addresses The Age of Love I Franfoise Verges Liberating race from Apartheid 18 Xolela Mangcu After the great white error... the great black mirage 28 Paul Gilroy Articles What's in a name? Racial categorisations under apartheid and their 50 afterlife Deborah Posel examines the continuingpractice ofracial reasoning across all racial groups in post-apartheid South Africa and its implications for racialisation and deracialisation in South Africa today. Race counts in contemporary South Africa: 'an illusion of 75 ordinariness' Gerhard Mari examines the continuing capitulation to race thinking in South Africa and the manner by which it is conveyed, created, and maintained and the control it is given. Defining people: analysing power, language and representation in 94 metaphors of the new South Africa Phumla Gqola examines the different discourses of the new South Africa and the different ways by which South Africans use them to construct and reinforce their ideas about the new nation. Panel Discussion Neville Alexander, Jane Barrett, Devan Pillay and Raymond 107 Suttner discuss how the issues of race and non-racialisation were tackled in the anti-apartheid era and how they impacted on the effort to craft non-racial organisations and struggles.