1 T RA N s F )1 M A T 1O N CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON SOUTHF.RN AFRICA 53 THIS ISSUE: EDWARD SAID (1935-2003): A TRIBUTE GAVIN DAVIS O N THE ELECTORIAL TEMPTATION OF RACE IN SOUTH AFRICA BEN FINE O N SOCIAL CAPITAL FOR AFRICA ALAN LIPMAN O N COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION DEBATE BY ELKE K ZUERN O N SOCIAL CAPITAL AND MODERNITY COMMENTARY BY PETER DWYER O N THE STRUGGLES OVER AIDS TRANSFORMATION critical perspectives on Southern Africa ISSN 0258-7696 IBBS listed journal EDITORS: John Daniel (HSRC), Shirley Brooks, Bill Freund, Adam Habib, Gerhard Mare, Imraan Valodia (University of Natal), Lindy Stiebel (University of Durban-Westville). Suryakanthie Chctty (Website Editor). CORRESPONDING EDITORS: Keith Breckenridge, Monique Marks, Mike Morris, Vishnu Padayachee (University of Natal), Debbie Posel (University of the Witwatersrand), David Kaplan, Dave Lewis, Mary Simons (University of Cape Town). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Henry Bernstein, Colin Bundy (SOAS, University of London), Gillian Hart (University of California), Mahmood Mamdani (Columbia University), Martin Murray (SUNY Binghamton), Dan O'Meara (University de Quebec a Montreal), Terence Ranger (University of Zimbabwe), John Saul (York University), EllingNTjonneland (Christian Michelsen Institute, Norway), Gavin Williams (University of Oxford). PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: We ask contributors to submit two (2) typed copies, following the format (on such issues as references and notes) of articles in this issue of TRANSFORMATION. Whilst the journal will cater for work at any level of abstraction, or detail, a number of criteria will guide the editors in selection of material for inclusion. Articles should aim for academic rigour but also clarify the political implications of the issuesdiscussed. We are concerned not to compete with other South African journals that may cover related ground but in different ways - this will govern our selection principles. All articles will be assessed anonymously by the referees. Contributions should preferably not exceed the following lengths: Analytical articles: 8 000 words Debates, comment and review articles: 3 000 words Also see inside back cover 'Notes for Contributors'. The views expressed in TRANSFORMATION do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. EDITORIAL and CONTRIBUTIONS ADDRESS: TRANSFORMATION Programme of Economic History University of Natal DURBAN 4041 South Africa E-mail & Website: transform@nu.ac.za / www.transtbrmation.und.ac.za SUBSCRIPTION RATES and ADDRESS at the back of this issue. TRANS 53 (2003) FORM ATI ON Critical perspectives on Southern Africa CONTENTS A Tribute Edward Said 1935-2003 1 Alan Lipman Articles The electoral temptation of race in South Africa: implications for the 4 2004 election Gavin Davis discusses why those political parties which campaign electorally in South Africa by invoking implicit or explicit racial appeals are more likely to be successful than those which do not. 29 Social Capital for Africa Ben Fine assesses the utility of the term 'social capital' - what it is, where it has come from, where it is going and what light, if any, it sheds on an understanding of the African condition. Community participation - hope and reality 53 Alan Lipman looks at the attempt to forge appropriate local architectures in post-apartheid South Africa and the efforts to involve local communities in this activity. Debate 69 Social Capital and Modernity ElkeKZuern discusses Ben Fine's critique of the current approaches to social capital as outlined in his article in this edition. Commentary 76 Dying to fight Peter Dwyer comments upon the liberation-type politics and activism on display at the Treatment Action Campaign's (TAC) July 2003 national conference. TRANSFORMATION 53 (2003) ISSN 0258-7696 Reviews Patrick Bond (2002) Unsustainable South Africa: environment, 81 development and social protest, reviewed by Catherine Oelofse and Victoria Lubke. Gauri Viswanathan (2002)Power, Politics and Culture: interviews 89 with Edward WSaid, reviewed by Derek Hook. Joshua Goldstein (2001) War and Gender, reviewed by Thembisa 92 Waetjen. Bill Freund and Vishnu Padayachee (2002) (D)urban Vortex: South 98 African city in transition, reviewed by Jeremy Grest. Heribert Adam (2002) Peace-making in divided societies: the Israel- 108 South Africa analogy, reviewed by Chris Desmond. Jonathan Crush and David McDonald (2002) Transnationalism and 110 New African Immigration in South Africa, reviewed by Akim J Mturi.