~IC]I AN INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES resrzarch VOLUME 47 NO.3 AUTUMN, 1980 Apubiication ofthe9RADUATE FACULTY, NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH THEORY AND SOCIAL HISTORY GUEST EDITORS GEORG G. It3GERS HAROLD T. PARKER Between Tradition and Innovation: ALBERTO Italian Studies in Modern Social CARACCIOLO History Theory and Social History: Recent JURGEN KOCKA Developments in West Germany Methodological Problems of JERlY Application of the Marxist Theory TOPOLSKI to Historical Research A Symptomatic Qispute? KEITH NIELD Notes on the Relation between Marxian Theory and Historical Practice in Britain Fernand Braudel and the JOHN DAY Rise of Capitalism Psychoanalysis and History HANS-ULRICH WEHLER Signs of the Times: Clifford Geertz RONALD G. and Historians WALTERS Experience of Nature in Bourgeois DIETER GROH SocietY and Economic Theory: Outlines of an Interdisciplinary AND Research Project ROLF-PETER available OIl request Editorial and ButiDas OffICe; 66 Wat12th Stteet Il.oom GF3041 SIEFERLE Individual Subscriptions: SI2.00; llUlilutions: S20.oo. SinaJe copies G. .......------------ .....------_ .... New York. N.Y. 10011