Vol.1 No. 2 \976 UTAFITI Vol. I No.2 1976 Journal of the F acuIty of Arts and Social Science, University of Dar es Salaam Chief Editor: Y. TANDON Associate Editors: G. MMARI G. KAMENJU Editorial Committee: M. H. Y. Kaniki, M. I. Karenga, E. Kezilahabi, A. C. Mascarenhas, S. Mbilinyi, P. Masanja, R. Mabele, S. D. Mboya (DUSO Representative.) Editorial Secretary: Mrs. N. Mpesha Manuscript Address AIl manuscripts should be sent to: The Chief Editor, UTAFlTI, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35051, Dar es Salaam. Tel: 53455. BUSINESS ADDRESS: East African Literature Bureau, P.O. Box 30022, Nairobi. One Volume a year consisting of two issues. SUBSCRIPTION: Annual Subscription in E.A. is shs. 24 / • U.S.A. $5.20 U.K. £2.10 UTAFITI Vol. 1 No.2 1976 Contents Pages Introduction-G. R. V. Mmari 125 Revolution and Reaction in Swahili Poetry-M. M. Mulokozi 127 Policy and Practice in Adult Education: A District Case Study -v. M. Mlekwa 149 Educational Expansion and the Pattern of Occupational Chokes of University Students-I. M. Omari 167 Student Activism on the Educational Scene: An Historical and Sociological Profile-A. G. Ishumi 189 Honourable Teacher-Seithy L. Chachage 209 The Historical Evolution of Education in French Speaking Africa and the Question of Development-Joseph Ki-Zerbo 215 U,tafiti Notes 225 BOOK REVIEWS Steven Feierman, "The Shambaa Kingdom: A History" -I. N. Kimambo 235 R. Chambers and J. Moris. "Mwea: An Irrigated Rice Settlement in Kenya-C. K. Ol/lliri ... 236 Samora Machel, "Mozambique: Sowing the Seeds of Revolution" -J. L. Kallywanyi 238