a journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations Editor: Immanuel WalIerstein Review is committed to the pursuit of a perspective which recognizes the primacy of analysis of economies over long historical time and large space, the holism of the socio-historical process, and the transitory (heuristic) nature of theories. The contents of Volpme IX (1985-86) include: Silviu Brocan Market, Socialism, and Revolution Fran~ois Simiand Historical Method and Social Science Alfred W. Crosby Biotic Change in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand Luca Meldolesi Critical Economics and Long-Term History Vol. X, No.1 will be an Anniversary Issue featuring reports on the research of the Fernand Braudel Center. Previous volumes contain anicles by Anouar Abdel-Malek, Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi, Norman Birnbaum, Fernand Braude!, Silviu Brucan, K.N. Chaudhuri, R.W. Connell, Arghiri Emmanuel, M.l. Finley, Andre Gunder Frank Johan Galtung, Ernest Gellner, Georges Haupt, Rodney Hilton, EricJ. Hobsbawm, Halillnalclk, Ernest Labrousse, Frederic C. Lane, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Henri Lefebvre, ~rnard Magubane, Sidney W. Mintz, Michel Morineau, Ramkrishna Mukheljee, James Petras, Alejandro Pones, Walter Rodney, Henryk Samsonowicz, T.C. Smout, Henri H. Stahl, Tamas Szentes, Romila Thapar, Charles Tilly, Jaime Torras, Pierre Vilar Institutions $60 ludividuab $25 (yearly rate) SAGE PUBLICATIONS. INC. ~ SAGE PUBLICATIONS lTD 275 South Beverly Drive 28 Banner Street Beverly Hill•• Celifornie 90212 London EC1Y IOE. Englend 61