BOOK REVIEWS Kaj Arhem: P~storal Man in the Garden of Eden: The Maasai of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania - K. Mustafa. Utafiti Vol VI/I No. I, 1986, Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Oar es Salaam This is a very useful little book which brings together the research carried out by the author while he was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Resource Assessment of the University of Dar es Salaam. The main theme of the book is to investigate the conditions facing the Maasai pastoralists in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, in the context of the debates that have been taking place around the development of a new manage- .ment plan for the area. As such, the hook concentrates on the pros and cons for a multipurpose land use strategy which would continue to ensure a place for the Maasai in the future of Ngorongoro. The importance of the book lies in the fact that it puts the Maasai in the forefront of the analysis and shows how their conditions of life have been de- teriorating historically. By focusing on the relationship between the Maasai and the State on the one hand and the Maasai and the Conservation ".AuthOrity on the other, the book provides a comprehensive picture of the Maasai predica- ment at the present time as well as its political implications. There is a wealth of data on conditions for livestock production and the provision of social services in the area and a number of useful tables, maps and figures are provided. The book is very well produced and there are a num- ber of plates as well. It is a welcome addition to the growing number of studies on the pastoralists of Eastern Africa and the author must be commended for the way in which he presents the political economy of the pastoralists m Ngoron- goro, as well as exposing the unfounded arguments put forward by the Conser- vation Authority against the interests of the p~storalists. This book should become a useful reference for courses in Rural SOCiology, Development Studies, Political Science etc. 84