A F R I C A D E V E L O P M E N T A Quarterly Journal of Une Bevue Trimestrielle du The Council for the Development Conseil pour le Developpement de la of Economic and Social Besearch Recherche Economique et Sociale in Africa en Afrique Some of the articles of Vol. II N° 4, October-December 1977 Leopold Sedar Senghor Socialisme et Liberte Samir Amin In Praise of Socialism Julius K. Nyerere Le Choix Rationnel Aime Cesaire The Essential and the Fundamental ..• Africa Development is a bilingual journal. Articles are published in their original language (English or French) with a summary in the other language. Each issue contains three sections: Articles - Book Reviews - Reports on African Research and Training Institutes. Vol. Il/1977 has been published on themes basis. These have been:. Vol. II N° 1 : Ideology and Development in Africa Vol. II N° 2 : Technology and Development in Africa Vol. II N° 3 s Planning and Financing for Development Vol. II N° 4 : Culture and Development. Editor: A.S. BUJRA Annual Subscription rates: Institutions 15 US-$/75 FF Individuals 12 US-4/60 FF Students 7 US-$/35 FF Articles and Subscriptions are to be sent to: The Editor A f r i c a Development CODES RT A B . P . 3304 DAKAR S E N E G A L