EDITORIAL POLICY UTAFITI is a journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam, devoted to articles and research information on Tanzania and East Africa primarily, and on development in the Third World and elsewhere in general. Our subject is to explain what takes place in our environment, why and how, the achievements and problems in various development efforts, and research efforts into possible problem-solving alternatives. UTAFITI cuts across disciplinary boundaries, and is not bound by the narrow confines of disciplines. We thus have had articles on themes and topics in geography, history, economics, technology, education, development planning, social administration, literature, statistics, and law, to mention just a few. People of different ideological standpoints have had occasions to argue their positions and cases, and we do welcome such healthy debates. INFORMATION TO AUTHORS Manuscript Preparation 1. Type the entire manuscript, inclpding the reference list, notes, and any appendix material, double-space, with wide margins (at least one inch on all four sides), on standard A4 paper. Do not use "erasable" paper. Number pages consecutively, at the top. Use only one side of the page. 2. Submit three copies of the typescript (only one copy of camera-ready tables or figures). Copies that are fuzzy at the edges, blurred, faint or hard to write on are not acceptable. 3. Make a separate title page for your article and put on it: (i) title of the article; (ii) name of author(s) and title(s); (iii) institution of origin, (v) suggested running head if title is very long. 4. Type the author's name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each new section, such as appendixes, references, or no.tes. 5. You may write short corrections neatly above the lines where they belong (do not print in capital letters and do not put corrections in the margin as in proofreading). 6. Be very careful in presenting mathematical expressions. Subscripts and superscripts must be exactly placed or clearly marked. Greek letters and unusual symbols can be identified by writing their names in the margin, and circling them, at the first occurrence in your paper. Equation number should go at the left margin. Mathematical symbols for vectors should be labelled as such, e.g., by a wavy underscore. Length of Manuscript 7. Manuscript should not exceed 5,000 words, with an abstract not exceeding 250 words. We recommend submission of the work also on IBM compatible diskettes. Style: Spelling should follow that of Oxford Dictionary. Notes and references. The author-date system should be used. For more information consult Vol. 1 No. 2, 1994.