¥ Official Publication of the W.M.GC.S A C July/August 1983 President’s Message • by Mark Magee Michigan’s unpredictable weather has produced another tough summer for the golf course superintendent to maintain turf. Record temperatures and humidity are the climatic conditions with which we dealt this year. These conditions in Western Michigan in addition to the varying amounts of rain fall produced a very tough growing season. Turf problems ranged from extreme wilt conditions to conditions which produc­ ed pythium blight. The summer of 1983 has been a classic year leaving the golf course superintendent with new unsolved problems. We are fortunate to have Michigan State University and the Michgian Turf Foundation ready and willing to help us with our turf problems. The Hotline 517-355-5221 has been very successful. A recording informs the caller of possi­ ble turf problems that can occur on a weekly basis as well as allowing the caller to pre­ sent questions. The M.S.U. Field Day in September also presents the golf course superintendent with an opportunity to find answers to turf problems experienced this year. It would behoove all of us to take advantage of this opportunity. See you in September. Coming Events Field Day — September 1, 1983 Hancock Field Lab, M.S.U. Golf Day — September 12, 1983 Greenridge Country Club 1 1983 WMGCSA OFFICERS Mark M agee....................................................................... President C.C. of Lansing, 1900 Mt. Hope Rd., Lansing, Michigan 517/485-5153 K LE IN S for turf care Keith Paterson C.G.C.S..............................................Vice-President , Spring Lake Country Club. Spring Lake, Michigan 616/842-4840 Chris Fochtm an................................................Secretary-Treasurer Greenridge C.C., 740 Greenridge Dr. N.W.. Grand Rapids, Ml 616/784-6597 Directors Jeff Carsok Alpine G.C., Grand Rapids, Ml 616/784-1141 Roger Barton Blythefield C.C., Belmont, Ml 616/363-5945 Bob Hope C.G.C.S. Kent C.C.. Grand Rapids, Ml 616/363-6728 Paul Hoag Scott Lake C.C., Comstock Park, Ml 616/784-1355 Fred Pastoor Muskegon C.C., Muskegon, Ml 616/759-0694 Charles Scott Gull Lake View G.C., Augusta, Ml 616/731-4148 Kurt Thuemmel C.G.C.S. Walnut Hills Country Club, East Lansing, Ml 517/332-6060 Editorial Committee Chairman-Advertising ..............................Keith Paterson C.G.C.S. Spring Lake C.C. - 616/842-4840 Photographer..............................................................TonyTredente Spartan Distributors - 616/887-7301 Bill Madigan. C.G.C.S. C.C. of Jackson - 616/787-0650 Kurt Thuemmel. C.G.C.S. Walnut Hills C.C. - 517/332-6060 Advertisers Söderström Irrigation, Inc. Raymer Pump Co. Hunter Hughes Lakeshore Equipment Please patronize them as they have made this newsletter possible Parmenter & Andre Turfgrass, Inc. Woodland Tree Service Grand Rapids Tree, Inc. Trees, Inc. Turf Chemicals, Inc. J. Mollema & Sons Boylan Sales Ellis Sales Art Hills Century Rain Aide Turf Services & Supply O.M. Scotts Spartan Distributors, Inc. Tuco-Upjohn W.F. Miller C-R Grinding Klein Fertilizer, Inc. Lawn Equipment Corp. Matthews & Associates, PC CIL Sulfur Coated Urea • research proven quality in slow release nitrogen Sulfate of Potash • a plus for plant turgidity and winter heartiness Soil Sampling • Kleins will custom blend fertilizer to meet your specific needs Minor Elements • secondary nutrients can be blended into the fertilizer mix • elemental sulfur available for problem areas Turf Chemicals • fungicides, herbicides, insecti­ cides, and surfactants Turf Fertilizers • Golf Club Green • 20-10-10* • 24-8-3* 18-5-9 20-10-10* Weed & Feed t * These are a few analyses that can be made with various percentages of slow release nitrogen up to 100%. For additional information contact: Ted Kasel or Dennis Judd (517) 223-9148 Convenient plant locations at Perrinton, Marne and Fowlerville Klein Fertilizer, Inc. 320 Garden Lane Fowlerville, Michigan 48836 MEETING DATES September 1 2 ....................................Green Ridge CC Golf Day October 4 ...................................Thornapple Creek GC November 4 ........................................Walnut Hills CC Fall Party MANAGERS—SUPERINTENDENT MEETING The first annual Golf Course Superintendent and Club Manager’s meeting was held July 18th at Blythefield Country Club. The meeting was well at­ tended and well received by both associations. Roger Barton was the host superintendent, and Bill Brown the host manager. Everyone enjoyed a delightful afternoon of golf followed by an exquisite meal. Dr. Lou Bellinger of Davenport College spoke on “ Participative management.” Dr. Bellinger stressed the importance of delegation of responsibility as a significant aspect of proper management. “ Sur­ round yourself with capable people and let them work to their capabilities.” Communications between departments is ex­ tremely critical. Hopefully, this meeting has helped to open new avenues of communication between managers and superintendents. A joint meeting should become bigger and better each year. WHAT A YEAR by Keith Paterson, CGCS Well, it’s almost over!! One of the most incredible summers I have experienced in my short career as a superintendent. Abnormal hot spells, extended periods of dryness, unusual disease problems, are but a few of the challenges that faced us in 1983. It seems that every August I say to myself, “ If I can live thru a summer like this past summer, next year shouldn’t be bad at all.” I hope this is particularly true this time. Half way thru July, I had to adjust my goals from that of, “ Trying not to lose any grass’ to ‘trying to minimize my losses.” The next two articles are just a reminder that we are all in the same boat facing similiar problems. letter by Marty Miller, The superintendent at Knowllwood Country Club in Detroit. first article is a I hope this article by Louis Miller from Kentucky raises some important issues in your mind as it did in mine. I’m sure most of us feel the same about our job and profession, but do we accept all the negatives about our profession? Should we seek to change some of the aspects of our work which infr­ 3 inge on our personal lives, especially on our relation­ ships to those most dear to us, our wives and kids? Do we put pressure on ourselves and put in extra hours trying to meet every whim of our golfers, owners or board members, or is it our employers who make these demands? I know my job has been difficult for my family to adjust to and I’m not sure they ever will, but maybe I should be making some changes in how I do my work. These questions and many more have been on my heart and mind for a few years, and I’m certain all of us as superintendents have struggled with this issue before. It’s for this reason that this topic is on the educational program this year. In seeking to pro­ mote a professional image, which is one of our ob­ jectives, we can’t lose sight of the fact that our families are an important part of that. Without peace and tranquility at home, it’s tough to do our jobs and do them well. This second article is the article by Lou Miller, that Marty mentioned in his letter! AS I SEE IT by Louis E. Miller Let’s take a serious end of the season look at this profession that so proudly goes by the title of Golf Course Superintendent. When expounding on the various facets of our professionalism we almost always end up by telling whomever will listen that we are now Golf Course Superintendents and that we as an organization dropped that title “ Green- skeeper” many years ago because our respon­ sibilities now included much more than keeping the green. So, the GCSAA was formed and even just a few years ago the idea was being toyed with once again to change our name, as a profession. instead of Things have changed even more over the years, and now just being golf course superintendents, we maintain tennis courts, swimm­ ing pools, skeet ranges, skating rinks, riding stables, polo fields, club house grounds, greenhouses, nursery’s, both sod and tree, parking lots and in some cases miles of to mention cartpath’s and fleets of golfcarts. We now hear of budgets In excess of one and a quarter million dollars for eighteen holes. Our responsibilities have far exceeded our title. Instead of being a golf course superintendent, a polo field superintendent, etc.,etc., then I propose that we change our name. roads, not I don’t feel that we should change our name to anything so grandoise as Superintendent of Grounds, which would be far too logical, but not too poetic in its description, but something that is far more down to earth. Whenever anybody asks me what I do for a living, I simply tell them that my title is “ Odd Job.” It has a nice ring to it and sort of covers everything in one short definition. Upon reading this one might get the idea that the title is a little unusual, and 1 would be the first to agree. However, let’s face it, it covers the whole gambit of our profession in one full swoop. We, as an organiza­ tion could change our name to the “ Odd Job Associates of America,” or better lettered as the OJAA. M A T T H E W S & A S S O C IA T E S , P.C. G O L F C O U R S E A R C H I T E C T U R E L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E G E R A L D H. ' J e r r y ' M A T T H E W S 9373 East Herbison Road Laingsburg, Michigan 48848 517-641-6882 and 517-371-4511 W. B R U C E M A T T H E W S 0-16920 Timber Dune Drive Grand Haven, Michigan 49417 616-846-1502 MEMBER: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF GOLF COURSE ARCHITECTS Actkioneand Proof TURF Products Programmed Disease and insect control Acti-dione turf fungi­ cides control nine different diseases including Helmintho- sporium, Dollar Spot and Brown Patch. Proxol 80 SP insecti­ cide for control of Cut­ worm, Sod webworm and Grubs, including Ataenius. TUCO sets The Standard for your turf man­ agement program. TUCO Division of The Upjohn Company 4 - ■, . . v * J "<£-« ■; : — .,Tr\. t r f-T-aL-tV% \ ■ \y - Serving you better •N.V With Q U A L IT Y ----- MALLINCKRODT LEWIS FORE PAR CLEARY COUNTRY CLUB CHICOPEE Upjohn FOX VALLEY Chipco DIAMOND SHAMROCK Yankee c y c l o n e PBI Gordon Aquatrols Turfgrass Products PanaSea SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN 48178 Pnone Area 313 437-1427 GENE JOHANNIN GSMEIE R STOCKING THESE FINE PRODUCTS FOR PROMPT SERVICE PAR AIDE STANDARD DUPONT RHONE-POLENC (Chipco) TUCO (Upjohn) VELSICOL GORDON AQUATROLS AQUASHADE NELSON-MOODY RAINBIRD PVC PIPE & FITTINGS WEST MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTORS OF FERTILIZER 1042 MICHIGAN ST, N.E. • GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 49503 • P.O. BOX 2411 PHONE (616) 458-1546 Some of you might not think that I’m too serious about this. Well, that is true, partially, but then I’ve never been to serious about anything. Maybe that is what we need, a lighter look at^ur profession. I think maybe that we sometimes g^t so caught up with our profesisonal status, or rather what we think our status should be that we loose sight of what we real­ ly do for a living. Don’t get me wrong, I really like what I do for a living and enjoy it, most of the time. I think that over the years we have all been exposed to the wonderous charms that our respective profes­ sion has. We all know of the beauty and the cruelty of nature, and what it means to win the battle, even if it is just for a little while. We experience the feeling of accomplishment of seeing a green built from an area that was once a piece of landscape. The beauty of the flowers in spring, the leaves changing color in fall and the many fragrances of nature. The thrill of working outside in the fresh morning air, and beauty of the dew on the grass. The presence of the small animals and the sound of crickets and frogs at night. The birds in the early morning and the sight of a new­ ly cut green. All of these things I like and a whole lot more. There are however a whole lot of things that I don’t like about this profession and I think that it is time someone spoke out about the many facets that are really bad. I don’t like the endless long hours in the summer­ time, I don’t like working seven days a week, week after week. I don’t like getting up a five o’clock in the weekends and coming to work. I don’t like working on holidays such as Memorial Day, the Fourth of Ju­ ly and Labor Day. I don’t like it when everybody also gets a three day weekend and I don’t. I don’t like it when I promise my kids I’ll take them swimming and I run two hours late, because some greens had to be sprayed on a weekend. I don’t like it when equip­ ment breaks down on a weekend. I don’t like it when it rains on Fridays. I don’t like getting my hands burned on a hot muffler when trying to adjust the carbureator on a rotary mower. I don’t like getting the top of my knuckles cut off when a wrench slips while trying to tighten a bolt on a mower frame, i don’t like getting the grease and grit on my hands while trying to put a chain back on a sprocket. I don’t WOODLAND TREE SERVICE, INC. 3520 Wilex, S.W. Wyoming, Michigan 49509 HAROLDPOSTMA BILL DREWS Phone (616) 538-4030 5 like getting grease or oil on a brand new thirty-dollar golf shirt. I don’t like breathing the dust from wet- table powder chemicals and what it does to my lungs, nose, eyes and mouth. I don’t like working around the chemicals for periods of time that I smell like I took a ride in the back of a garbage truck and my kids ask, ‘Daddy what is that smell?’ I don’t like rushing construction projects and coming home day after day absolutely exhausted. I get tired of being tired. I absolutely hate people who drive jeeps and motorcycles on my fairways and greens and needlessly destroy what I have worked so long and hard to keep. I hate people who take flag poles and trap rakes and destroy the putting surfaces that just a few hours before were magnificant. I hate to see grass or anything die for that matter when I’ve tried so hard to keep it alive. I hate the constant smell of smoke and exhaust in my nose and lungs. I hat golf spikes that come off shoes on the green, and get caught I hate crabgrass and unrepaired ball marks. I hate trying to do a job with junky equipment that has been used three times longer than is was designed for. the mower. in I don’t like surprise golf tournaments that were not on the schedule. I don’t like getting my knees cut while kneeling on the asphalt or concrete and trying to adjust a mower. I don’t like coming in on weekend evenings while a crew mows fairways. I don’t like people who think that they only place to have a beer party is on one on my putting greens. I don’t like peo­ 800- 321-5325 NATIONWIDE ple who think that there are only two ways to run a golf cart, start fast and stop fast. I guess that in reality that for every one bad thing that a person could think of about our profession, they could think of at least three good things. There is however something that is very wrong about the social and psychological ramifications that are en­ tailed in this business of managing country club and recreational complexes. (It has long since outgrown just the management of turf and golf courses). Louisville is not a large metro area, and with nine private golf courses in the immediate vicinity I did a little study. There are nine Superintendents on the respective courses. Their marital status is as follows. One has never been married, one is a widow, two are married and five have been divorced. The best in turf supplies! LESCO 100% Sulfur-Coated Fertilizer«, Golf Course Accessories, Chemicals including LESCOSAN A highly effective pre-emergence crabgrass and poa annua control. Available from- Phil Brautigan Home of LESCO Products LAKESHORE EQUIPMENT 6 SUPPLY CO. 300 South Abbe. Elyria Ohio 44035 800- 362-7413 |N 0H|0 IMAGINE A GOLF COURSE WITHOUT TREES! PROTECT YOUR AVAILABLE TREES THROUGH Proper Care Lightening Protection Large Tree Pruning Tree Removals Distributors for: Mauget Tree Injectors Terra-Sorb Moisturizer & Mauget Tree Injectors control Dutch Elm Disease, Bronze Birch Borer, Diplodia Tip Blight on pines. Cytospora Canker on Spruce and nutrient deficiencies FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Bob Kelly Home: (616) 453-6652______ 6 This is not too good a track record. It gets worse though, as I have heard that of the six courses on the north side of Milwaukee, five of the Superintendents are divorced. These figures are far in excess of the national average of divorce. I think that instead of the GCSAA (OJAA) taking the time to send out questionnaires concerning the size of budgets, salaries and fringe benefits that it is time that they send out a questionnaire studying the social and psychological impact on the profession. There is no such thing as a normal life or even a nor­ mal “ existence” in the profession. Nothing that you do coincides with the way of life that most people experience. With all of the advances in the industry over the past several years to save time, money and manhours how come that the time that the average superintendents puts into his job has not been reduced? Something is wrong somewhere and we surely must be intelligent enough to find out just what can be done about it. The hours that we put in do not nearly match the financial receprocation that goes with this position. Anybody who says that it is, is just fooling themselves. Don’t get me wrong, I like what I’m doing, or else I wouldn’t be doing it. The same goes probably for most of the rest of the superintendents in this pro­ fession. Just because I like it doesn’t mean that I have to accept the way things are. Anything can change and as a rule most things do. I don’t have any particular solutions to the problems that I have mentioned, but at least I mentioned them. Some of these things should be faced head on.The GCSAA gets the newsletter, let’s see if they pick up on these problems or just let it slide? USGA AFTER EQUALITY Credit: by John Block Area Sales Rep C & R GRINDING If the United States Golf Association (USGA) has its way, the “ Pigeon Express” will soon be derailed. The “ Pigeon Express” is a sarcastic label given the current golf handicapping system that says a 15 handicap player from a course such a Crestview in Cooper Township is equal to a 15 handicapper from a layout such a Point O’Woods. It isn’t true and it isn’t fair. Handicapping equity is what the USGA is after and Dean Knuth, director of handicapping for the governing body of golf in this country, was at Gull Lake View Golf Course last week to give a seminar on a new handicapping and course rating system to the Michigan Association of Public Golf Courses. Basis for the new handicapping is set by rating golf courses under the USGA’s obstacle rating system. This method considers such things as topography, fairway conditions, recoverability and rough, out of bounds, water hazards, trees, bunkers, greens and targets and their surface conditions and psychological factors on every hole on a course. 7 We specialize in ALL golf course equipment repairing and sharpening. Pick up & Delivery 10 Years Experience Roseman Toro Jacobsen Hahn Complete small engine overhauling and tune ups. 5082 Page Ave. Jackson, Ml 49201 Phone (517) 764-1182 Member Michigan Borders Association Western Michgan G.C.S.A. The slope goes up or down, depending on the course played, and there will be more fluctuation in strokes for the high handicap player than there is for the low handicapper. “ The average player plays a course differently than does the expert,” says Knuth. “ Average players don’t hit the ball as far, are bothered more by some hazards, while others don’t affect them as much because of the distance differential.” As a result, a player with a 20 handicap from a “ Pleasant Valley” type course, might only be a 17 if he plays at an “ Open Flats” layout, but could be a 30 at an extremely tough “ Panther Mountain” course. Everyone who has played golf is aware of the Ine­ quities of the present handicap system. “ Sandbagg­ ing” accusations are heard all season, but Knuth says “ sandbagging” is often built into the system. With this new method, the USGA is hoping to br­ ing more equality and uniformity to the game. It won’t, however, work unless the system becomes universally accepted. A team of four tours the course and rates each hole on a scale of 0 to 10 on each of the factors. Zero means the absence of a factor and a rating of four is considered average. The holes are scored according to degree of dif­ ficulty for both the expert and bogey player. The rating team does not play the course while rating it. That’s so their judgements are not influenced by the way they are playing. “ It’s an attempt to gain uniformity,” said Knuth. “ If obstacles are not considered in a courses’s rating, it brings in a lot of error. In the next two years, we’d (USGA) like to have all the 12,000 golf courses in this country rerated under the new system.” into The team does not set the rating. Their rating is reviewed by a committee before being accepted or rejected. A courses’s final rating is then determined by mathematical the formula obstacle rating and distance. that combines The new rating formula will allow for a slope han­ dicap. The USGA has put courses three categories - Panther Mountain (very tough), Perfect Valley (average) and Open Flats (wide open). An average course rating, according to Knuth, is 69.0 with the average slope being 113. Under the new system, a player’s handicap will have portability when he or she plays different courses. “ Using a rating system for bogey players allows for comparison between expert and other golfers,” Knuth said. SÖDERSTRÖM IRRIGATION, INC. We specialize in golf course irrigation pumping plants. Complete in­ stallation, conversions and service. We handle the complete line of Toro Irrigation Equipment. Call us for any information on the above services, FREE estimates. (616)887-8141 3560 - 13 Mile Road Sparta, Ml 49345 a. (616)874-9086 STOCKING THESE FINE PRODUCTS FOR PROMPT SERVICE PAR AIDE STANDARD DUPONT RHONE-POLENC (Chipco) TUCO (Upjohn) VELSICOL GORDON AQUATROLS AQUASHADE NELSON-MOODY RAINBIRD PVC PIPE & FITTINGS WEST MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTORS OF MILORGANITE FERTILIZER 1042 MICHIGAN ST, N.E. • GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 49503 • PO. BOX 2411 PHONE (616) 458-1546 W .F. MILLER Specialists in T u rf Equipm ent Fertilizer & C h e m ica ls BIRMINGHAM 313 - 647-7700 GRAND RAPIDS 616 - 241-4481 Your Toro Distributor For Western & Northern Michigan r Irrigation Systems & Turf Products // /mmmmwne. 2087 13 MILE ROAD. N.W. / SPARTA. MICHIGAN 49345 / PHONE 616/887 7301 THE DUSTINS OF WESTERN MICHIGAN by Jim Bogart In their recent book, “ The Golf Course,” Geoffrey Cornish and Ronald Whitten discussed many of the historic golf families of the world. Among the families listed are the Morris’ and Dunns’ of Scottish golfing fame. One truly American golfing family discussed is the Maples family of North Carolina. Their family tree includes former GCSAA education director Palmer Maples, Jr. and 12 other family members who have been associated with the game of golf. Here in Western Michigan, golf nurtured an even larger family. In fact, it is probably more accurate to say that the Dustin family nurtured golf in Western Michigan. Among the accomplishments of this fami­ ly are the construction and/or operation of 28 golf courses. All but six of these are located in our area. The golf heritage of the Dustins began in the early 1900’s when Vet Dustin was hired as greenskeeper for the newly formed Kalamazoo Country Club. From this one man, the family can now claim a total of 27 brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and in-laws who have made their living on golf courses. The family remains active with current WMGCSA member Bruce Dustin and his family operating the Pipestone Creek Golf Course in Eau Claire. Additionally, Bruce serves as superintendent for Wyndwicke Country Club in St. Joseph; the site of our August meeting. Two other Dustins; Stuart and tradition as members of the grounds crew art Forest Hills Golf Club in Grand Rapids. Ira; also continue family the In the years between Vet and Bruce’s family, Dustins have served as golf course greenskeepers, pros, managers, consultants, and builders. In fact, one family member has theorized that the WMGCSA may have been an out-growth of earlier family get togethers. Mrs. Doris Dustin Axtell remembers ac­ companying her father, Vet, on monthly visits to family members’ courses. These visits included golf, followed by dinner and discussions of current condi­ tions. After taking the job at Kalamazoo Country Club, Vet soon enticed his brother Del and nephew John to join him. From these three, the golf bug quickly spread through the Dustin family as two other brothers, a brother-in-law, and numerous offspring joined the golf profession. Many of the early family members centered around the Kalamazoo area building courses such as Arcadia Brook and Gateway among others. As the popularity of golf grew, the family moved out from their starting point at Kalamazoo Country Club. Vet was probably the first to move as he became greenskeeper for the new Cascade Hills Country Club family members followed suit seeking new opportunities and soon Dustins were connected with golf courses stretching from Hastings to Niles and from Grand in Grand Rapids. Other Rapids to Vicksburg. One nephew, Bob, began his career in the South Bend, Indiana area consulting to the South Bend Country Club and Morris Park Coun­ try Club. In later years, Bob Dustin worked with WMGCSA member Rolfe Wells on the construction of Hampshire Country Club. With mobility becoming a way of life, the Dustin family became even more wide spread. Stuart Dustin; who had succeeded his father, Vet, as greens superintendent at Cascade Hills country Club; carried the family name to Eastern Michigan. Moving to Pontiac, Stuart oversaw the construction of Shenandoah Hills Country Club which he con­ tinued to serve as superintendent for its first few years. Donald Dustin also helped spread the family’s name. He was summoned to the Warsaw, Indiana area where he completed construction of the Rozella Ford Golf Course. Donald also remained on this course for a few years serving as greens superinten­ dent. The most far flung of the Dustin influence was Frank Goodwin. Frank was one of two sons of Jenny Dustin Goodwin who started their golf course careers at Berrien Hills Country Club in Benton Har­ bor. While his brother, Lawrence, only worked at Ber­ rien Hills, Frank made a move to the East Coast of Florida. It was there that he built and maintained a course near Cape Canaveral. It becomes readily apparent that the Dustin name has long been connected with golf; not only here in Western Michigan but in other parts of the country as well. To truly appreciate the influence of this family, one must look at the famliy tree; or shall we say grass plant. Many blades have sprouted since Vet was hired at Kalamazoo Country Club. For those of us in Western Michigan today, we can be thankful that those blades produced numerous golf courses for our enjoyment and employment. THE DUSTIN FAMILY TREE Vet Dustin Built 12 holes at Kalamazoo Country Club. Built and greenskeeper Cascade Hills Country Club. Stuart Dustin Assistant Pro Cascade Hills Country Club. Assistant greenskeeper Cascade Hills. Built and Superintendent Shenandoah Hills Country Club, in Pontiac Michigan. Currently working at Forest Hills Golf Club. Larry Dustin Worked at Shenandoah Hills. Ra ia i^ B ir d Master Turf Dist. Serving All Western Michigan & Nothern Indiana Design, Consultation, and Distribution of Quality Irrigation Material & Service. HUNTER-HUGHES INC- “ Since 1912” i 616/755-2271 from 616 area dial 800-442-0018 Jerry Hodges 1818 Henry Street Muskegon, Michigan 49443 Ira Dustin Bob Dustin Worked at Cascade Hills. Greenskeeper South Haven Country Club. Helped build and currently working at Forest Hills. Clare Dustin Worked at Cascade Hills. Pro/Superintendent at Bangor Country Club. Assistant Pro at Kalamazoo Country Club. Doris Dustin Axtell Worked at Cascade Hills. Worked with husband at States Golf Club, Vicksburg, Michigan. Worked with husband at Oakland Hills Golf Course, Portage, Michigan. (Lucien Axtell) Owned States Golf Club. Built and owned Oakland Hills Golf Course. Bob Axtell Manager, Oakland Hills Golf Course. Ed Dustin Worked at Plym Park Golf Course, Niles, Michigan. Greenskeeper, Sauganash Country Club, Three Rivers, Michigan. Manager, Plym Park Golf Course. Consultant to South Bend Country Club. Consultant to Erskine Municipal Golf Course, South Bend, Indiana. Consultant to Morris Park Country Club, South Bend, Indiana. Engineered construction of Hampshire Country Club, Dowogiac, Michigan. Greenskeeper, Dowogiac Country Club. Mabel Dustin Harris Managed Plym Park Golf Course with husband. Abe Dustin Greenskeeper, Hastings Country Club. Greenskeeper, Vickscraft Golf Course, Vicksburg, Michigan. Built and greenskeeper, Gateway Golf Course, Kalamazoo. Lee Dustin Worked at Kalamazoo Country Club. Greenskeeper, Berrien Hills Country Club, Benton Harbor, Michigan. 12 Charter Member GCSAA. Owned and built first nine holes Pipestone Creek Golf Course, Eau Claire, Michigan. Bruce Dustin Assistant greenskeeper, Berrien Hills. Owned and built second nine holes, Pipestone Creek Golf Course. Superintendent, Wyndwicke Country Club, St. Joseph, Michigan. (Bonny Gregg Dustin) Worked with husband at Pipestone Creek Golf Course. Frank Goodwin Worked at Berrien Hills Country Club. Built and superintendent at course near Cape Canaveral, Florida. Del Dustin Worked at Kalamazoo Country Club. Built and greenskeeper, Ot-Well-Egan Country Club, Allegan, Michigan. Built and greenskeeper, Hampton Lake Golf Course. Derby Dustin Greenskeeper, Ot-Well-Egan Country Club. David Dustin Hazel Dustin Dontje Superintendent, Pipestone Creek Golf Course. (Charlie Dontje) Built Arcadia Brook Golf Course, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Built Lincoln Country Club, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Darcy Dustin Works in clubhouse, Pipestone Creek Golf Course. Lori Dustin Jones Golf shop manager, Pipestone Creek Golf Course. (Jerry Jones) Works on golf course at Pipestone Creek Golf Course. Dudley Dustin Worked at Kalamazoo Country Club. Built and managed Wa-Kwi Golf Club, Paw Paw, Michigan. John Dustin Built six holes and greenskeeper at Kalamazoo Country Club. Built and owned Hampton Lake Golf Course, Portage, Michigan. Donald Dustin Completed construction and Greens Superintendent Rozella Ford Golf Course, Warsaw, Indiana. Jenny Dustin Goodwin Lawrence Goodwin Worked at Berrien Hills Country Club. 13 GOLF SHOE STUDY UNDERWAY Credit: USGA Green Section Record With the advent and active marketing of the rub­ ber, multiple-stud-sole golf shoes in recent months, the Green Section has undertaken a study to evaluate the effect of two types of these shoes on turfgrass quality, wear, injury and putting quality. Two other types of golf shoes (the conventional metal-spike golf shoe and one of the new spikeless, lightweight golf shoes) are also Included in the study. The experimental plan was developed for the Green Section by Drs. V.A. Gibeault and V.B. Youngner of the University of California, Riverside, and is being carried out at Industry Hills Golf Course, Industry, California. The experiment will be completed in mid-June. Statistical data and conclu­ sions will be developed and published in the GREEN SECTION RECORD at the earliest possible date. The Green Section has long held an interest in tur­ fgrass injury and wear caused by certain types of gold shoes. Extensive experiments were carried out in 1958 and 1959 and the results published in Green Section publications of those years. Future Dates September 1, 1983, Field Day Robert W. Hancock Turf Research Center September 20, 1983 Northern Michigan Turf Conference Traverse City Country Club January 17 & 18, 1984 Michigan Turfgrass Conference Long’s Convention Center, Lansing, Michigan credit MTF Newsnotes 14 HELPING YOUR GREENS RECOVER FROM HYDRAULIC OIL SPILLS Credit: Golf Course Management Due to the increased usage of hydraulic equip­ ment on golf course putting greens, the frequency and severity of accidental oil spills have increased signifacantly. These spills, (leaks) occur in one of several man­ ners. They are caused by faulty valves, fittings, seals, pumps or ruptures in the hydraulic hoses. In many instances the damage goes unnoticed for as long as an hour before it is detected. After it has been detected, every means possible is usually employed to try and neutralize the effects of the hydraulic fluid, most often by scrubbing with a detergent or by using an absorbant. Due to the volume of the leak and the time transpiring before it is detected the severity of the leak can cause damage from mild to extremely severe, requiring several weeks to several months before it is com­ pletely healed. Over the past few years, a lot of information has been passed along, mainly in the verbal form, of the correct way to treat a hydraulic leak on a putting green surface. It was the objective of this study to determine what means proved most effective by us­ ing various detergents and absorbants over an elapsed time period, for the most rapid recovery of the oil damaged putting turf. Experimental Procedure The site chosen for this study was a four-year-old “ Penncross” creeping bentgrass green maintained at a 1A inch mowing height. The green was located on a well-drained, Maury silt loam soil on the UK Spindletop Research Farm near Lexington, Ky. All hydraulic oil treatments were applied by induc­ ing a leak in both a front and back cutting unit, (the front unit leak was induced by rupturing the return hose from the reel pump, whereas the rear unit leak was induced by loosening a hydraulic fitting on the “ input” side of the hydraulic reel pump) of a Jacobsen Greens King Triplex greens mower utiliz­ ing SAE 10W-30 motor oil as the hydraulic fluid. The mower was in hot running condition prior to each test application. The extent of damage varied somewhat between tests due to the amount of oil leakage induced. The individual tests described were conducted on three seperate dates: August 18, August 20, and Oc­ tober 27, 1981. All plots were five feet in length and were times. The corrective measures were applied directly onto the oil spill. This usually included an area 5 feet x 1.5 feet, per leak. replicated three Experiment 1. Comparison of Dispersive and Ab­ sorptive Products Fifteen minutes after the hydraulic oil application, (except as noted), all materials were applied to the • INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL if WELLS ond PUMPS III 4 " and LARGER P U M P S A L E S & S E R V IC E DEEP WELL TURBINE & SUBMERSIBLE 4 " RESIDENTIAL WELLS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION F A S T ROTARY DRILLING fl SOIL TEST BORING & ANALYSIS E A R T H R E S IS T IV IT Y S U R V E Y S E N G IN EE R E D G R O U N D W A T E R SU P P L IE S WE SPECIALIZE IN GOLF COURSE WELLS & PUMPS 3311 3 MILE RD. NW • GRAND RAPIDS IF N O A N S W E R 45 3-32 13 OR MARNE 677-1070 surface. The liquid treatments were hand scrubbed with a sponge for two minutes, then washed from the plot area with a high pressure hose. The treatments were chosen to represent a broad range of detergents and absorbents and the results in no way constitute a brand recommendation. The treatments were: a) Ivory dishwashing detergent diluted 1:10 with water. b) Aqua-Gro non-ionic soil wetting agent diluted 1:50 with water. c) Cascade granular dishwashing detergent with approximately 0.1 pound dissolved in one gallon of water. d) Activated Charcoal—approximately 1/3 pound per plot. e) Calcined clay “ fines” —approximately 3 pounds per plot. A sieve analysis of this material indicated approximately 80 percent held on a 1/2 mm sieve. f) Waterless hand cleaner, SBS- 30—approximately 1/3 pound per plot. g) No treatment. h) No treatment. However, this plot was wash­ ed with high-pressure nozzle 6 minutes post-hydraulic leak. Results From the summary of damage ratings, it is deter- in mined that Ivory was the superior treatment. It is this writer’s opnion that the calcined clay “ fines” were a pleasant surprise in the testing and showed the best results after the ivory treatment. Perhaps the most disappointing the powdered charcoal. Not only was there no signifi­ cant absorption of the hydraulic oil, but the plot areas were more unsightly and slower to recover from the initial injury. the usage of result was Based on a score of 1 to 10, with “ 1” representing no damage and "10” representing most severe, the ratings as affected by corrective oil damage treatments using several dispersive and absorptive products are as follows: Ivory - Calcined Clay - Cascade - Agu-Gro - Charcoal - Hand Cleaner - Wash - Check - 3.7 4.2 5.0 5.4 6.2 7.0 7.1 7.5 Experiment 2. Evaluation of Washing Methods Fifteen minutes after hydraulic oil application, Ivory dish washing detergent was applied using the following methods as treatments: b) a) Concentrated Ivory poured on plot, then washed with high-pressure hose. Ivory (diluted 1:10) scrubbed for 2 minutes, then washed with high-pressure hose. Ivory (diluted 1:10) scrubbed for 2 minutes, then sprinkled with water (not removed). d) Same treatment as “ b” except the treat­ c) ment was repeated two minutes. e) No treatment. Results The data indicated that there is no value in repeating the scrubbing treatment, and the total removal of the soap is not critical. It is likely that ex­ cessive scrubbing caused some physical damage to the turf. Where Ivory was applied in the concen­ trated increased damage occured immediately. The Ivory should be diluted. form directly the bottle, from Experiment 3. Timing of Wash Treatments According to the following time schedule, Ivory diluted (1:10) was scrubbed onto plots for 2 minutes and then washed with a high-pressure hose. The “ minutes” indicate time lapse between hydraulic leak and Ivory treatment. a) b) c) 1 minute - 5 minutes - 15 minutes - Average 3.7 4.9 5.8 60 minutes - d) e) Check - 6.4 7.8 (The same method of rating the plot injury was used in all tests on a 1 to 10 scale). Results The above table shows that the Ivory should be ap­ plied as soon as possible after the leak. Time is of the essence. However, even after one hour, there was some improvement of recovery over plots receiving no post-leak treatment. Experiment 4. Effects of Irrigation Applied After Spill An industrial cleanser by Ashland Oil and Ivory were applied 15 minutes post-hydraulic leak, scrubb­ ed for two minutes and then washed from the sur­ face. Comparisons were made depending upon whether the green surface was maintained moist prior to applying treatment simulated an operation (upon noticing oil leak) turn­ ing on the irrigation system while attempting to col­ lect soap and other wash materials the maintenance building. The treatments were: the materials. This from Ivory (diluted 1:10) a) b) Globrite 3001 NC (diluted 1:16) scrubbed and washed. Plots sprinkled for 15 minutes post- hydraulic leak, then Ivory treated as in treatment “ a.” Same as treatment “ c” except using Globrite 3001 NC. No treatment. c) d) e) Results Both Ivory and Globrite showed poorest recovery when applied to plots that had been sprinkled con- tinously to simulate irrigation. General Discussion Oil from a bad leak was obvious on the surface of the green immediately after application. Ther severi­ ty of damage did not become apparent, however, for about 48 hours. And the maximum turf loss occurred about two weeks post-treatment. Where the oil was pulsating from the leak, only that area receiving the most oil was permanently damaged, especially if it received a good corrective treatment. To cause severe damage, it appeared that oil must reach the plant crown. A light mist of oil on the leaf surface caused little, if any damage if wash­ ed with soap. When the leak was heavy, severe turf damage oc­ curred regardless of the post-leak treatment. The beneficial effects of these treatments occured by in­ creasing the turf recovery rate. With the better cor­ rective recovery became noticeable treatments, within 20 to 30 days and the putting surface was not severely damaged. However with poor (or no) correc­ tive treatments, the severe crown tissue kill caused exposure of the soil and therefore roughness in the putting surface. After 2'h months of excellent grow­ ing weather these severely killed areas had not begun to recover. According to McGill, the oil present in the soil must be decomposed by soil microbes and depen­ ding upon the severity of the oil spill, this may re­ quire 1 to 4 years. However, he suggessts the direct toxicity to plants, caused by the “ light ends” of the oil, disappears within a month. The remaining oil prevents the soil from wetting, hence the soil dries out and will not support a viable root system or microbial decomposition, one should attempt to maintain good soil aeration, near neutral pH and adequate nutrients and moisture. Decomposition will then be the greatest between 55-85 degrees F. Some hydraulic fluids recommended for mowers are lighter weight oil than the 10W-30 used in this test. This fluid is not as viscous and although it may cause more immediate damage, the turf recovery should be quicker. (Johns & Beard) Although Ivory was the best corrective treatment used in these tests, it is presumed that any liquid, non-ionic high pH, no phosphate detergent could be used. Dishwashing detergent and hair shampoo would be good choices. However, it would be best to try the soap and concentration you select on a small area of green to determine potential phytotoxicity. Summary From the results of these tests conducted on follow ing standard creeping bentgrass, operating procedures should be implemented: the SOP for Hydraulic Oil Leaks 1) Mount a 2-gallon pressure sprayer with a coarse jet tip on each hydraulic mower. Also carry a large foam rubber sponge on mower. Fill sprayer with approximately one quart of liquid detergent per 2 gallons of water. 2) If leak occurs: 3) Operator should quickly drive leaking mower off green into rough. 4) Operator should immediately spray detergent onto spill area and scrub as quickly as possible. 5) Use a hand-directed hose to wash spray material off green. 6) Maintain green as usual. SOP (Optional) for Hydraulic Oil Leaks 1) Mount a 3-gallon container, with top, on 2) each hydraulic unit. Fill container with the “ fine” grade of calcined clay. If leak occurs: 3) Operator should quickly drive leaking mower off green into rough. 4) Operator should immediately hand 5) 6) sprinkle the calcined clay directly onto the oil. As the clay absorbs the oil and becomes dark in color, additional clay may be needed. After an hour or so, remove the calcined clay with a vacuum or by washing from green surface using high-pressure hose. 7) Maintain green as usual. * This test was initiated with the help and supervision of Louis Miller, Louisville Country Club, and Grady Stone of Tieco, Inc., Louisville. A dditional help was received from Wes Downing, Lexington Country Club; Linda Tapp, UK Research Technician; and Barry Bridges, UK Agronomy G raduate Stu­ dent. Advice received from W.E. Whitlock, Ashland Chem ical Company, was also appreciated. References 1) 2) Effects and treatm ents of Petroleum Spills on Berm udagrass Turf. D. Johns and J.B. Beard, Agronom y Journal 71:945-947. 1979. O il Spills. W.B. M cGill. Crops and Soils M agazine. O ctober 1978. (TPü tfvices __________________ FERTILIZER IS OUR BUSINESS "OUR ONLY BUSINESS" 17205 148th Avenue Spring Lake, Michigan 49456 Phene: Grand Haven 842-4975 Grand RaDids451-8811 17 M ilorganite Take another look ertilizing nature’s way with MILORGANITE If you haven’t done so recently, take another look at fertilizing nature’s way with Milwaukee’s Or­ ganic Nitrogen — MILORGANITE. It has been used successfully since 1926. That’s a 55 year history of superior performance. MILORGANITE’s nitrogen release follows soil bacterial activity. In the North, release is slow to non-existent in cold weather or under water-logged conditions. It peaks with the moderate temperatures of early summer, slows with excessive summer heat, and rejuvinates growth with moderating temperatures of fall. In the tropics release is assured anytime of the year that moisture is adequate to support growth. Maybe you’re having second thoughts about the agronomic value of synthetic UF, IBDU, SCU nitrogen release — and cost. If so, you are not alone. No matter how hard the scientists have tried, they have failed to match synthetic nitrogen release with natural growth patterns. SOME OF THE PROBLEMS Take IBDU as an example. Its water solubility increases by V3 from 40 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This might not be too bad for warm- season grasses, although it does mean the long lasting qualities are reduced. However, it could be disastrous to cool season turfs where reduced, rather than increased, nitrogen availability is wanted during hot weather. Sulfur coated urea (SCU) has the same prob­ lem. As temperatures increase, water becomes a better solubilizing agent, thus promoting faster — sometimes much too fast — release. Ureaformaldehyde (UF), on the other hand, calls for a sizeable investment in product, time and wonderment (up to two years) while waiting for nitrogen supply from the more slowly available UF to stabilize to adequate growth rates. The more soluble methylene diurea doesn’t last as long and has a greater tendency to burn. THE COST FACTOR Cost is yet another factor with the synthetic ni­ trogens. They have gotten so high that they are seldom sold in pure form. They are instead in­ cluded in mixtures with fast acting urea (the in­ ferior source in most comparison charts) and often potassium and phosphorus, as well. This lowers the analysis but increases the “burn" potential. Interestingly, the comparison charts and graphs point out the superior nitrogen release and low salt index of IBDU and UF when compared to urea, yet the sales push is for the 24-4-12 or similar mix. In a 24-4-12 example given by the IBDU folks, 55% of the nitrogen is water soluble, whereas only 15% of IBDU Fine falls in this category. And, granulation does make a difference. Coarse IBDU has 1.6% less water soluble nitrogen than the Fine. And the fines react much faster. Milorganite is more than just a simple source of nitrogen. Just maybe it isn’t only the s-l-o-w nitogen re­ lease that does the job. MILORGANITE includes some potentially fungicidal properties as well. Could it be MILORGANITE’s cadmium content? Just maybe it’s because MILORGANITE supplies nutrients the way plants want them. PARM ENTER & AND R E ( 6 1 6 ) 4 5 8 - 1 5 4 6 WESTERN MICHIGAN GOLF DAY FOUR MAN BEST BALL (FULL HANDICAP) September 12,1983 at Greenridge Country Club ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY TURFGRASS RESEARCH I TEAM PRIZES & PRIZES FOR: Longest Drive on #7 & 1 Closest to the Pin on #6 WARREN REYNOLDS will em cee the dinner ENTRY FEE: $220.00 per team 1. Golf 8:30 a.m. Shotgun* 1:30 p.m. Shotgun* ^Anyone that plays in the morning hotgun w ill be able to play lythefield Country Club in the after- , you will have to pay for your et Lunch between Shotguns Carts Refreshments on the course lors d’oeuvres - cocktail hour nnner (7:30 p.m.) * Entry deadline is August 31,1983 ■ Entries will be limited to the first fifty teams. WKGCSA Sponsored by the Western Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association Please have each team member’s club pro sign the entry blank to verify the handicaps.^ "e n t r y b l a n k Team Members Handicap Pro’s Signature Make checks payable to: W.M.G.C.S.A. Mail to: Chris Fochtman 7632 Alpine Ave. Sparta, Ml 49345 8:30 a.m. Shotgun 1:30 p.m. Shotgun We would like to play Blythefield C.C. in the afternoon. Single players can contact Chris at 616/887-7977. Bigger isn't always better! Sure, our "Big John" is the largest truck available for the careful transport of trees for transplanting, but it takes a lot,more than massive equipment to meet your needs. It's the person driving the tru ck... the crew that provides the follow-up care and service for the trees... the careful attention to scheduling... the number of satisfied clients. We could go on and on, but those are probably the main reasons our clients keep coming back for more. O f course prices are important too, and a strong guarantee. We've got it all... and a good attitude too! Comprehensive consultations are available at no charge. We're big and better. Trees, Inc. (5i7) 323-1611 3615 ShefFer, Lansing, Michigan 4 8 9 0 6 nTnrrraTpam aio Replace that old Toro Gear Drive" “Once and for all” . . . • FITS EASILY AND QUICKLY INTO Toro CASE — LESS LABO • POPS-UP HIGHER TO GIVE GREATER COVERAGE. • ALL BRASS CONSTRUCTION FOR LONGER LIFE. • $75.00, Your INTRODUCTORY COST. But best of all — IT REALLY WORKS! ONE FULL YEAR WARRANTY — IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TRY ONE, OR A DOZEN — YOU’LL LOVE ’EM! Call us today with your order: or Mark 1691 Dequindre Madison Hts., Ml 48071 13/588-2990 ■ Jim or Ken 22159 Telegraph Southfield, Ml 48034 313/358-2992 Jim Sisco Turf 1312 N. Campbell Rd. Royal Oak, Ml 48067 313/398-9552 Gary 325 W. Chicago Road Coldwater, Ml 49036 517/279-8459 Scott 341 Lively Blvd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 312/640-6660 ■ *PLUS $4.00 SHIPPING AND HANDLING PER UNIT GEARSHIFTER 690 Model 10114 Full Circle Shift into high gear with the Gearshifter 690. Designed, engineered and tested to improve performance of your Toro® 1-1/2” full circle sprinklers. Installation can be done in minutes without disturbing the case. You im­ prove performance and efficiency with the Gearshifter 690. • Internal replacement for Toro® 690 gearbox. • More efficient - less pressure loss through impact assembly than gear box. • Wider nozzle selection. • Rubber cover standard. • Heavy duty bronze construction. • Fewer parts - easily serviced in the field. GEARSHIFT 690 8Unjal (Enadt /(B u c k n e r 21 180 57 1 , 200 79 4 ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. Remove head snap ring with snap ring tool and keep to be reused. 2. Remove gear box assembly and cover and discard. 3. Wipe inside of case clean. 4. Remove rubber cover from GEARSHIFTER 690 and in­ stall head assembly by aligning it with the case and sliding the assembly into the case. 5. Lock the mechanism in with the head snap ring saved from the original unit (See step 1). Check to be sure lock ring is seated properly. Improper assembly of the lock ring may cause blow out of the internal assembly when the unit is activated. 6. Reassemble the rubber cover. YOU HAVE NOW SHIFTED INTO HIGH GEAR WITH THE Royal Coach/Buckner GEARSHIFT 690 MODEL 10114 FULL CIRCLE 11/2” FEMALE NPT Code Inlet Pressure I -24-14 Nozzle 3/8 x 7/32 ------ l Dia GPM PSI ---------- 1 \ 167 41 6 60 173' 45 0 70 178 47 9 80 183' 50 9 90 188' 54 1 100 -28-14 Nozzle 7/16" x 7/32 " -32-16 Nozzle 1/2" x 1/4" Dia GPM Dia GPM 178' 52.7 191 70.3 197' 74 3 184' 57.0 203' 79 4 190' 60 9 211' 841 196' 64 7 201 67 9 ! 218 88 3 -34-16 'Nozzle 17/32" x 1/4" -36-16 Nozzle 9/16" x 1/4 Dia GPM Dia GPM 204 850 197' 73.7 210 904 203' 78 8 209' 84 1 216 965 223' 102 3 215 89 2 229 106 5 221 94 0 40-16 Nozzle 5/8" x 1/4 Dia GPM 213' 102 8 220 109 2 227' 115 4 234 121 8 240 128 7 44 16 Nozzle 11/16 x 1/4 ' Dia GPM 224 121 7 232 129 3 240 1366 248 144 6 256 153 4 'Standard nozzle size Toro' is a registered trademark of Toro Manufacturing Co FULL CIRCLE 1-1/2" NPT Code Base Pressure -90 Nozzle Set 3/8 ng GPM 156 164 174 45 1 48 6 . 51 0 PSI I 60 70 80 90 100 •91 Nozzle Set 7/16 Dia GPM 174 182 192 53 7 57 2 61 2 92 Nozzle Set 1/2" Dia GPM 192 200 210 216 67 5 74 0 78 0 82 2 E-Z-GO TEXTRON PO Box 588, Marvin-Griffin Road Augusta, Georgia 50913-2699 ELLIS SALES, i n c . 6915 WEST MICHIGAN AVENUE KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49009 (616) 375-3535 YAMAHA When you know how they’re built. BOYLANS, THE WORLD’S LARGEST DISTRIBUTOR OF GOLF CARS! YAMAHA GOLF CAR YAMAHAULER TURF WORKER HOME OFFICE: 607 NORTH MAIN ST., PLAINWELL, MICHIGAN 49080 PHONE 616-685-6828 22 Keep this card handy. It could save you time and money. INTRODUCING TERRA 200 THE BETTER, A N D FASTER, W AY TO AERATE. OPERATION: 1. With an ordinary pin, hook up to any 12 hp. utility vehicle. 2. With rubber tired wheels down, drive across walks, roads, etc. to the green. 3. Without stopping, push button to raise wheels—aerating begins. 4. Stay on green, turn right or left to circle—aerating continues. 5. Without stopping, push button to lower wheels, drive to next green or tee. LAWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION NOVI, MICH. 48050 46845 W. 12 M ILE ROAD P.O. BOX 500 (313) 348-8110 ‘WESTERN VIEWS’ 17501 ■ 148th Street Spring Lake, Ml 49456 DR. KENYON T. PAYNE 164-;CIb dfpt oe crop and soil MICHIGAN STATE UNIVtRall, EAST LANSING, HI. M-8S.,+ BETTER? Yes—the speed of Terra 200 allows you to get the job of aerating done during the very limited time when conditions make it the ‘‘right time" And when your turf needs aerating, you won’t hesitate to do the job more often—the Terra 200 method is so simple and fast. Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit #981 Spring Lake, Ml