Editorial Comment__ This sum m er will definitely be entered in the record books as one tough season to m anage turf. It has been hard on turfgrass, turfgrass m a n a g e rs, tu rfg ra s s m a n a g e rs' crews and I'm sure the golfers have had a few concerns as well. Now that fall has arrived and recovery plans are well underway it's time to rem em ber those that have been supporters through the season. The list goes on but a few I can think of come to mind. First, our spouses and fam ilies whose tim e has been forfeited to let us keep the course in good shape. Second, the crew who 1995 W.M.G.C.S.A. Meeting Schedule Oct. 3 ..............Annual Meeting Cascade Hills Country Club Nov. 3 ..............Fall Party Dlythfield Country Club put in m any long hard hours to ensure the course stayed in good health. Third, the employers that had the u nderstanding that tu rf is a growing, living comm odity that we m anage, and sometimes no m atter what the resource it will not respond as we would like it to. The list can go on to vendors, professors and many others. One last but not least is your fellow Superintendent. The guy dow n the road or the former boss or even the guy at the last m eeting that you played golf with who had a helpful tip. Well, it's tim e to finish up the aerifying and other fall duties. Enjoy the fall season! Sincerely, A1 Bathum Annual Meeting Coming Up On O ctober 3rd the A nnual M eeting w ill be held at C ascade H ills C ountry Club in G rand R ap­ ids. The annual board elections along w ith the S u p erin ten d en ts Chapter C ham pionship will also be held at this tim e. P lease m ake plans to attend and help support your organiza­ tion! Summer Meetings a Success August Round Tables Held and The two remaining meetings of the summer were joint meetings with the M .M .G .C .S .A . th e M.B.C.G.C.S. groups. The meetings were held at The Cattails and The M ajestic golf courses respectively. Both meetings were well attended and a good time was had by all who participated. Both golf courses were in good shape and offered some var­ ied challenges. Please help support your organizations and attend m eet­ ings when possible! Both August Round Tables were held and although neither had huge attendance records a dozen people enjoyed each meeting. We encourage all to attend and exchange up to the minute success and defeat stories! This summer's weather, as you know, made for some interesting conversation. Again, these meetings are only as good as the participation and our attendance make them. If you show up and exchange information you will usually pick up some useful information to help make your job a little easier. Editor's Note: Please excuse the untimeliness of this issue. I was a bit preoccupied in July and August. me if you have any interested Please write corw |rw |N i)| 7pr v 3725 Cascade Rd., S.E. LIBRARIES 3) The interm ediate par 3 tees receive extrem e wear. 4) High handicapped males are reluctant to use the red tee box. I im plem ented the use of the gold tees by positioning the gold tee blocks either on the extrem e rear of the red box or extrem e forw ard on the interm ediate box. Although the use of the gold tees was slow to start, u se th e seaso n continued. The fall senior leagues used the gold tees exclusively and plan to in 1995. O ur junior program also used the gold tee blocks. in c re a s e d as T he resu lt o f the added tee p o sitio n seem ed to be tw o fo ld . Increased satisfaction of the golfers and better overall condition of the tee s u rfa c e s . I f y o u r c o u rse co u ld acco m m o d a te a ch a n g e o f th is nature, I think your m em bership (custom ers) and course will benefit, so... ADD A TEE. Thanks, M ike Herbst Superintendent N.K.G.C. Add a Tee Up until the 1994 golf season at N orth K ent G o lf C ourse the tee positions followed the industry norm with a forw ard (red), interm ediate (white) and back (blue) tee. The tee positions are separated by either elevations, contours or height of cut. The average size of the tee surfaces at North Kent is 1,000 sq. ft. are and T he ow ners o f N o rth K ent, D ave and K a th e y K lie n , h av e p u rc h a se d u n d e r construction of a new golf course — G le n K e rry — in G re e n v ille , M ichigan. Course architect, W arner Bowen, designed each hole with five tee positions. Mr. Bowen's reasoning for the five tee positions is to provide the c u sto m e r w ith a c h o ic e o f yardages, elim inate forced carries and use the differences in course p lay to re p la c e the n eed fo r a handicap, which m any golfers have not obtained. adding a tee position betw een the forward and intermediate tees, i.e. a gold tee. My reasoning for this was: 1) T he red tee, w hich rarely exhibits excess wear, is m ostly used by the fem ale m em b e rsh ip and fem ale leagues. The positioning of the tee blocks to the rear of the tee box always results in unfavorable responses. e x tre m e front of the intermediate tee box also receives very limited use due to an e ffo rt to k eep yardages consistent to the score card and tee markers. 2) T he During the 1994 golf season at North Kent, I experim ented th is w ith c o n c e p t by ^ Golf Day at Kent Country Club Held in G ra n d R a p id s T he a n n u a l W .M .G .C .S .A . G olf Day was held at Kent Country C lu b on Septem ber 11th. The day was a big success w ith around $7,000 raised for Turfgrass R esearch. It was a beautiful fall day w ith plenty of sunshine. The day was split with a m orning and afternoon shotgun. The golf course was in great shape and m any com plim ents were given to K eith Paterson and his crew for the extra effort to prepare for the day. A big round of applause to the Clubhouse staff also for the fine meals and hospitality. And last but not least, we would like to thank the vendors for their support. Mulch Those Tree Leaves Into The Turf T he state reg u la tio n w hich prohibits sending yard wastes to land fills has created a problem for golf course superintendents, other grounds managers and homeowners who need to dispose of tree leaves each fall. One alternative is to compost the leaves, either on the premises or at a local composting center. The latter requires collection, bagging and a means of transport to a com post center. The former necessitates a portion of the landscape devoted to the composting. W hen there are many trees on the grounds composting is seldom feasible because o f the am ount of leaves produced. Another means of disposal is simply mowing the turf/tree leaves with a rotary mower often enough to pulverize the leaves so they fall into the turf. A legitimate question is what effect does this have on the turf, both short-term and long-term? With these questions in mind a study supported by the M ichigan Turfgrass Foundation was initiated at the H ancock T urfgrass R esearch Center in October, 1990 to evaluate the effects of mulching tree leaves into a Kentucky bluegrass turf. Leaves from a m ixed trees but stand o f predominantly maple, were collected. T hree le a f rates in a onetim e application each year were applied: none, light (about 3 inches of dry leaves) and heavy (about 6 inches of leaves). The leaves were mulched into the turf with a mulching rotary mower using two passes. With the heavy rate, much of the grass was covered with the mulched leaves. Two nitrogen rates were used as well: 2 or 4 pounds N per 1000 sq. ft. annually with 1/4 of the total applied at the tim e o f leaf mulching. The leaf treatments have been applied each October, 1991 in which oak or maple leaves were applied to a Kentucky bluegrass turf. A single rate of leaves was applied. There were 4 replications of each treatment in each study. Both studies were conducted on turfs in the open sun. As we have evaluated the turf throughout the growing seasons there have been no meaningful differences observed in turf quality ratings, turf density, thickness of the "thatch" layer, am ount o f organic m atter in the "th atch ” layer or the num ber o f dandelions in the plots. The nitrogen applications som e improvement in turf quality ratings, but there was no apparent effect on the rate at which the leaves decompose. provided From the data collected to date it appears that returning the leaves to the turf is not harmful to the grass if the mulching/ mowing is done at appropriate times. To date there is no apparent short­ term or long-term negative or positive effect. When oak leaves are predominant, it will be necessary to mulch them into the turf later into the fall because they are held on the trees longer than most other trees. For best results leave the mower set at the same height as you have been m owing the turf. It is important to use a rotary mower which pulverizes the leaves well and that the leaves are dry w hen m owed. Sharpening the mower blades and slow movement with the mower will help to grind the leaves finer. It may be necessary to make as many as 3 or 4 passes over the area to grind the leaves fine enough. The finer the leaf particles the more easily they fall into the turf, leaving grass leaves exposed to the sunlight. O ur o b serv atio n is that the pulverized leaves will settle into the turf within a day or two, particularly if followed by a rain. Take care that the pulverized leaves do not cover the grass blades entirely. It is best if the tree leaves are "mowed" regularly, not allowing them to lie on the turf more than 3 or 4 days. Fall is a very im portant tim e for the tu rf to p h o to sy n th esize store carbohydrates, particularly under trees where the turf received limited sunlight during the summer. and Although additional nitrogen has not shown any major benefit we still suggest 1/2 pound nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. in addition to the normal fall nitrogen fertilizatio n to enhance decomposition of the tree leaves. Mulching the leaves into the turf is a reasonable means of disposing of the leaves. These studies prove that what many turf managers have been practicing is practical and does not harm the grass if done in a timely manner. Paul Rieke Landscape CAT alert article Fertilization - Fall and Late Fall Style One of the very important turf management practices during the fall is fertilization. This time of year there are many other activities which require time and attention, but fertilization must also be given priority. For many reasons, turf management practices done in the fall will have a major effect on the quality of turf the following spring. Fertilization is one of the most important. in stress Phosphorus and potassium in the fall The key nutrient in fall fertilization is nitrogen. Som e have suggested phosphorus and potassium are the key nutrients in fall fertilization. Certainly, these nutrients should be available to turf in adequate quantities. For example, when potassium is limiting, there is a reduction tolerance. Considering the potential for low temperature injury to turf during the winter, if potassium could have an impact on reducing low temperature injury, turf managers should be sure adequate potassium is available to the turf. There is also some evidence to suggest there is an increase in susceptibility to snow m old when potassium is limiting. To be sure there is adequate potash in the soil, use a soil test for medium and fine-textured soils. If tests suggest potash is needed, appropriate rates should be applied based on recommendation and common sense. For turfs on sands, soil tests for potassium are usually low in spite of a potash fertilization program. Regular, light applications of potash at frequent intervals (spoon feeding) should be made on sandy soils, particularly on sand greens. W hen late fall fertilization is practiced, some potash should also be applied along with the nitrogen. On sands, use equal quantities of nitrogen and potash. If needed based on soil test recommendations, phosphorus can be applied in the fall fertility program as well, normally in a complete fertilizer. Seldom is phosphorus limiting on turf. An exception is when no phosphorus has been applied and clippings are routinely removed. Another potential exception is on sand greens. Sands have little capacity to hold phosphate. We have seen several cases of phosphorus deficiency on sand greens, more commonly on new greens, but also on older greens where no phosphorus has been applied for some tim e. Soil tests m ust be used to determine need for phosphorus. Fall Nitrogen For cool season grasses, both fall and late fall fertilization should be considered. Fall fertilization is best done during September, preferably early in the month. With the weather changes in late summer, the shorter days, cooler nights and more rainfall cause the turf plant to grow less rapid vertically than occurs in the spring. More lateral growth results in improvement in turf density after the rigors of the summer. So fertilization in the top priority. Carbohydrates manufactured at this time of year will be more likely to be stored, building up the plant for next year. fall deserves A ppropriate rates of nitrogen applied during the fall period depend on a number of variables, ranging from 1 /2 to 1 lb. N per 1000 sq. ft. On occasion a higher rate may be justified; examples include newly established turf which needs pushing for rapid establishment or a turf which has suffered serious thinning over the summer due to injury from disease, insects, traffic or moisture stress or where an extensive weed population has been controlled, leaving open areas. On general turfs (lawns, grounds, etc.) all the nitrogen can be applied in one application. For greens and other high maintenance turfs, one can split this into two applications if the higher rate of nitrogen is needed. An alternative is to use a fertilizer which contains m ore slow release n itrogen. O r a spoon feeding program with weekly applications of soluble sources can be used, particularly on greens. the Normally, it is best to withhold applications of nitrogen during October to permit the turf to "harden o ff. This perm its tu rf to accum ulate carbohydrates and reduces the potential for frost-injury should the turf become very succulent before a major freeze. Avoiding nitrogen during October may reduce susceptibility to snow mold as well. Late Fall Nitrogen There are a number of opinions as to how and when to use late fall nitrogen applications. This occurs partly because of differences in climatic zones and variations from season to season. Perhaps a more important reason for variations in late fall fertilization is the objective for this practice. From my perspective, the objective is to supply nitrogen to the turf after growth has ceased. The root system is still active since the soil is warmer than the air. Nitrate nitrogen can still be taken up and utilized by the plant. If proper nitrogen fertilization has been practiced during the fall (September) period, the tu rf should still be green and physiologically active. This permits the plant to continue photosynthesis whenever modest temperatures and som e su n lig h t conditions occur. Carbohydrates manufactured during this time are not "burned o f f with growth and clippings, but are stored. This builds up the plant for next spring. Rate of application of nitrogen will again vary with turf conditions and the philosophy of the manager. For greens, Continued on page 5 Fertilization, continued 1/2 lb. N per 1000 sq. ft. may be sufficient. If tees are still thin from traffic, especially on par 3 tees, 3/4 to 1 lb. N per 1000 sq. ft. may be needed. Fairways could receive 1/2 to 3/4 lb. Lawns & general grounds can receive 3/4 to 1 lb. N. Some turfs may perform better without the late fall nitrogen. Some lawn care companies cannot justify the cost of late fall nitrogen to customers who may not continue with their services next year. However, the quality of the turf the next spring should be excellent when spring sales begin. Snowmold was severe on many turfs over the winter of 1992-93. Late fall nitrogen applications contributed to greater snowmold in some cases. If turfs are hard hit by snowmold nearly every year and no snowm old preventive program is followed, it may be best to avoid late fall nitrogen. However, based on plot research done by Dr. Joe Vargas and observations in the field, it is clear that while in most years the late fall nitrogen may increase the amount of snowmold, there is much quicker recovery from any injury caused. The snowmold damage may be more superficial with the late fall nitrogen and/ or the recovery is quicker. Either way the next spring the turf returns to abetter quality condition sooner with late fall nitrogen. For the Great Lakes region, we suggest applying the nitrogen after growth has ceased for all practical purposes. This does not mean there will be no need for further mowing, but regular mowing will not be needed. An additional mowing or two may be needed before growth ceases entirely. This occurs anywhere from the last week of October to the second week of November. Potential problems with late fall nitrogen fertilization include the potential for leaching of applied nitrogen, late fall growth which would require more mowing, affecting snowmold and other winter injury, increase to thatch and other spring growth. In a study at Michigan State being conducted by Eric Miltner and Brace Branham, which compares late fall nitrogen applications with those emphasizing spring applications, there is no significant leaching of nitrates from either treatment so far. If the nitrogen is applied w hile the plant is still physiologically active, most of the nitrogen should be used and will not be available for leaching over the winter. There is evidence from Ohio State that late fall nitrogen m ay increase susceptibility to thatch formation to some degree. While there may be a small increase in growth during the fall or spring, most turf managers are satisfied that the benefits are far greater than the potential Continued on back page Please patronize our advertisers as they have made this newsletter possible. Advertisers AgrEvo.................................................(614) 726-2857 Amturf..................................................(616) 792-2241 Benham Chemical..............................(313) 474-7474 Boylan Sales.......................................(616) 685-6828 Century Rain Aid................................ 1 -800-347-4272 Chipco/Specialty Products............... (313) 782-0323 Custom Aerification............................1-800-269-6181 D&CDistributors................................. 1-800-888-7779 D&G Irrigations....................................1-800-334-7011 E-Z-Go Textron....................................1-800-336-1016 Ellis S ales........................................... 1-800-962-4128 Fitzgerald Henne Inc..........................(517) 482-8810 Green & Grow.....................................(616) 964-9989 Kleins Fertilizer.................................. 1 -800-642-3172 Kubota of Grand Rapids...................(616) 364-7031 Kurtz Bros. Inc.................................... 1-800-223-7645 Lebanon Fertilizers........................... (313) 673-7146 Lesco...................................................(616) 784-4929 Michigan Sand Co.............................. (517) 773-2030 Michigan Turf Equipment..................(616) 554-3310 J. Mollema & Sons.............................(616) 940-1441 O.M. Scott...........................................(616) 361-2106 Osburn Industries..............................(313) 292-4140 Parmenter & Andre............................(616) 458-1546 Peerless-Midwest..............................(616) 527-0050 R.A. Manley Irrigation Consultants.. (810) 651-5729 Spartan Distributors.......................... (616) 887-7301 Standard Sand................................... (616) 842-5180 Superior Uniform Sales.....................1-800-536-0718 T.C.I...................................................... (517) 725-7145 Terra International Inc........................1-800-321-9347 Tire Wholesalers Company, Inc....... (616) 775-6666 TriTurf.................................................. (616) 943-8343 Turf Drain Inc...................................... (810) 471-6750 Turfgrass, Inc...................................... (616) 866-9389 Turf Services...................................... (616) 842-4975 United Horticultural Supply.............. (810) 852-2838 Valley Turf...........................................(616) 532-2885 Van Manen O il................................... (616) 453-6344 Water Tronics..................................... 1-800-356-6686 W.F. Miller Co......................................(313) 349-4100 Wilbur-Ellis..........................................1-800-873-5599 Fertilization, continued negative effects. There is no evidence for increased susceptibility to low temperatures or crown hydration injury which is caused by late fall nitrogen. Benefits of late fall nitrogen include good carbohydrate levels in the turf the next spring, good early spring root growth, good fall and spring color and good turf density so there is less potential for establishment of spring weeds. Since root growth of cool season grasses begins before top growth, it is essential that a high level of carbohydrates exist in the plant to initiate that root growth. The next spring the turf will have a good color. There will likely be a small increase in mowing needed in the spring compared to a turf which receives no nitrogen either in late fall or spring. But the grow th w ill be very lim ited compared to a turf which receives an early spring fertilization. Avoiding early spring nitrogen has the advantages of reduced carbohydrate loss caused by the excessive grow th, less m ow ing, potential reduction in several diseases and greater moisture stress tolerance during the summer. If we can provide a turf which has good density and fewer weeds, requiring less herbicide as well as greater stress tolerance, why should we not adopt the practice? With many advantages apparent for late fall nitrogen and few disadvantages, it is clear why so many turf managers have adopted this practice. I have not talked to anyone who has tried late fall nitrogen fertilization who has not continued to utilize the practice for agronomic reasons. This is the best testimonial for late fall fertilization. Paul Rieke Hole Notes article 3725 Cascade Rd., S.E. • Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Pets Cook ingham MSI) Ma in L i b r ar y W East Lansing MI 2 i 48824 BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRAND RAPIDS, Ml PERMIT NO. 582