Use of Child's Creativity to Cope with the Pandemic
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Creativity in the Time of COVID-19
- Copyright Status
- In Copyright
- Date Created
- Contributors
Headwaters Relief Organization
- Artists
Khatri, Roshan
- Subjects
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- , in art
- Material Type
Coloring books
Drawings (visual works)
- Language
- Extent
- 4 coloring book covers
- Exhibit Label
The entire process, from the first conception of the idea till delivering the final piece of the coloring book, was an overwhelming process for all of us. It not only allowed us to help the community we were targeting, but enabled us to understand our own emotions during the pandemic. It gave us a sense of purpose and made the tiring days of the lockdown more meaningful. As the demand for the book grew, as more requests came in, we were overwhelmed with emotion. Especially when we got feedback from the children themselves, testimonials from a nine year old saying he is no longer afraid of the virus or when the parents/caregivers sent us pictures of their kids coloring the book. The process started from a "not-so-sure" printing of the first 500 copies and ended up with the final 14,000th copy, three iterations and five versions, two different languages, and seven countries internationally. --Label design by exhibit curator Nancy DeJoy. Labels written by Ben Lash and his team in consultation with artist statements.
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Page Info
1 of 4: Use of Child's Creativity to Cope with the Pandemic. Part 01
A coloring book cover. The book title is written in a thick, white font, reading "when we all stayed home" in capital letters across the top, with the word "home" underneath the word "stayed". Beneath that is the subheading "a coloring book about the coronavirus" in the same font and capital letters, the words "the coronavirus" underneath the first part of the sentence. The cover's illustration depicts a blue house with a family looking out of the window of the house, towards the paved sidewalk in front of it. The house is surrounded by trees, and the ground is a dark blue while the sky is a lighter blue.
- Language
- Extent
- 1 coloring book cover
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2 of 4: Use of Child's Creativity to Cope with the Pandemic. Part 02
A coloring book cover. The book title is written in a thick, white font, reading "when we all wore masks" in capital letters across the top, with the word "masks" underneath the words "all wore". Beneath that is the subheading "a coloring book about the coronavirus" in the same font and capital letters, the words "the coronavirus" underneath the first part of the sentence. The cover's illustration depicts a blue house with a family waving from the window of the house, at the dark-skinned mail person, wearing a blue uniform and bag filled with mail in front of the house. On the sidewalk to the left is a tan-skinned person wearing a blue dress, their hair pulled into a ponytail with a tan-skinned kid wearing a green shirt and brown shorts. Everyone outside is wearing a white COVID mask. The house is surrounded by trees, and the ground is a dark blue while the sky is a lighter blue.
- Language
- Extent
- 1 coloring book cover
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3 of 4: Use of Child's Creativity to Cope with the Pandemic. Part 03
A coloring book cover. The book title is written in a thick, white font, reading "when we all got vaccinated" in capital letters across the top, with the word "vaccinated" underneath the beginning words. Beneath that is the subheading "a coloring book about the coronavirus" in the same font and capital letters, the words "the coronavirus" underneath the first part of the sentence. The cover's illustration depicts a blue house with a family waving from the window of the house, at the dark-skinned mail person, wearing a blue uniform and bag filled with mail in front of the house. On the sidewalk to the left is a tan-skinned person wearing a blue dress, their hair pulled into a ponytail with a tan-skinned kid wearing a yellow shirt and brown shorts. Everyone outside is wearing a white COVID mask. The house is surrounded by trees, and the ground is a dark blue while the sky is a lighter blue with white clouds. The sun is in the top right corner, making the scene bright.
- Language
- Extent
- 1 coloring book cover
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4 of 4: Use of Child's Creativity to Cope with the Pandemic. Part 04
A coloring book cover. The book title is written in Spanish in a thick, white font, reading "cuando todos llevamos tapabocas" in capital letters across the top, with the word "tapabocas" underneath the beginning of the title. Beneath that is the subheading "un libro para colorear sobre el coronavirus" in the same font and capital letters. The english translation of the title and heading "when we all wore masks" and "a coloring book about the coronavirus" is in the same font in blue, underneath the spanish title. The cover's illustration depicts a blue house with a family waving from the window of the house, at the dark-skinned mail person, wearing a blue uniform and bag filled with mail in front of the house. On the sidewalk to the left is a tan-skinned person wearing a blue dress, their hair pulled into a ponytail with a tan-skinned kid wearing a green shirt and brown shorts. Everyone outside is wearing a white COVID mask. The house is surrounded by trees, and the ground is a dark blue while the sky is a lighter blue.
- Language
- Extent
- 1 coloring book cover
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