Bradley Letter : January 31, 1865
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Van E. Young tells Thomas to travel to Vicksburg in order to seize a trunk containing "valuable papers." Van Eps Young began his military career as a private in 1861 when he joined the 14th Wisconsin Voluntary Infantry Regiment. From May 6 to June 13, 1863, he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel for the 10th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent). On October 8, 1863, he was promoted to Colonel of the 11th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent) which was reorganized as the 49th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment on March 11, 1864. Young took a leave of absence in June, but soon thereafter took command of the First Brigade of the First Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps (which included the 48th, 48th, and 53rd U.S. Colored Infantry Regiments). On December 8, 1864, he was named Provost Marshal General for the Police Department of Mississippi based in Vicksburg.
- In Collections
Thomas C. Bradley Papers (c.00236)
- Copyright Status
- No Copyright
- Date Created
- Authors
Young, Van E. (Van Eps)
- Contributors
Washburn, C. C., active 1865
- Subjects
American Civil War (United States : 1861-1865)
United States. Army. Colored Infantry Regiment, 49th (1864-1866)
Military police
- Material Type
- Language
- Extent
- 2 pages
- Holding Institution
Michigan State University. Archives and Historical Collections
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