Novel computational approaches to investigate microbial diversity
Species diversity is an important measurement of ecological communities.Scientists believe that there is a strong relationship between speciesdiversity and ecosystem processes. However efforts to investigate microbialdiversity using whole genome shotgun reads data are still scarce. With novel applications of data structuresand the development of novel algorithms, firstly we developed an efficient k-mer countingapproach and approaches to enable scalable streaming analysis of large and error-prone short-read shotgun data sets. Then based on these efforts, we developed a statistical framework allowing for scalable diversity analysis of large,complex metagenomes without the need for assembly or reference sequences. Thismethod is evaluated on multiple large metagenomes from differentenvironments, such as seawater, human microbiome, soil. Given the velocity ingrowth of sequencing data, this method is promising for analyzing highlydiverse samples with relatively low computational requirements. Further, as themethod does not depend on reference genomes, it also provides opportunities totackle the large amounts of unknowns we find in metagenomicdatasets.
- In Collections
Electronic Theses & Dissertations
- Copyright Status
- In Copyright
- Material Type
- Authors
Zhang, Qingpeng
- Thesis Advisors
Brown, Charles T.
- Committee Members
Cole, James R.
Enbody, Richard J.
Sun, Yanni
Torng, Eric
- Date Published
- Program of Study
Computer Science - Doctor of Philosophy
- Degree Level
- Language
- Pages
- xiv, 141 pages
- Permalink