With a saucepan over the sea : quaint and delicious recipes from the kitchens of foreign countries
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Feeding America: the Historic American Cookbook Project
- Copyright Status
- No Copyright
- Date Published
- Authors
Keen, Adelaide
- Subjects
International cooking
- Material Type
- Language
- Extent
- xx, 265 pages
- Permalink
- https://n2t.net/ark:/85335/m57d2vm2c
The introductory texts reproduced here were written by the original Feeding America team to contextualize the books that were selected for inclusion as part of the 2001 digitization project.
With A Saucepan Over The Sea; Quaint And Delicious Recipes From The Kitchens Of Foreign Countries, Selected And Comp. By Adelaide Keen.
Boston, Little, Brown And Company, 1902.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, in addition to the many cookbooks devoted to the culinary arts of one specific ethnic or national group, there were American works describing international and multi-ethnic cuisines.
This handsome volume well represents the latter category. In it we find recipes from twenty-three different countries: England, France, Italy, Scotland, Spain, Czechosovakia, Germany, Switzerland, Monte Carlo, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, Austria, Ireland, Malta, Roumania, Poland, India, Portugal and Norway. And within many of the countries, certain regions or groups are singled out: there are Jewish recipes from Germany and Poland; recipes from a number of convents; and French recipes from Paris, Normandy, Flanders, Pithiviers, Marseilles, Alsace-Lorraine, Lille, Provence, Languedoc, Brittany, Dieppe, Brest, Vaucluse, Trouville, Nice, Nancy, Montpelier, Lyons, Gascony, Arles, St. Menehould, Montelimar, Strasburg, Amiens, Bar-le-Duc, Nantes, Rouen, and Caen.
All in all, a comprehensive investigation of European cuisines, often stressing the signature dishes of each region.