MSU Libraries Digital Collections

What is the MSU Libraries digital repository?

The digital repository provides online access to digital collections managed by the MSU Libraries. Collections are available via through the digital repository site providing a consistent way to search and access digital collections regardless of file type or subject matter.

What types of materials are available in the digital repository?

Material is selected according to MSU Libraries collection development policies, and may be “born-digital” or digitized from physical material. Types of files may include audio, documents, newspapers, journals, images, and data.

How is the library able to make this material available?

MSU Libraries is able to provide access to digital repository material that meets at least one of the following criteria:

  1. The materials are out of copyright or in the public domain.
  2. MSU Libraries has been authorized by the rights holder to make the materials available online.
  3. MSU is the copyright holder of the materials.

Individual collections and items offer more specific information about the copyright status of items in the digital repository.

How do I suggest a collection for inclusion in the digital repository?

Contact the Digital Repository Team to inquire about adding a collection to the repository. If collections are selected for inclusion in the repository, the repository team provides assistance with digital item formats and descriptions.

Every collection added to the repository must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. The digital files meet the digital repository size and format requirements.
  2. Each item in the collection can be described individually according to the repository's minimum metadata standards.
  3. Copyright status of the items is known, and MSU Libraries has the necessary copyright clearances or licenses to make the material available online.
  4. Material has been selected according to MSU Libraries collection development policies.

What are the digital repository's minimum metadata standards?

Resources in the repository are displayed individually, so they must be described at the item level. Metadata can be submitted in a variety of formats including but not limited to spreadsheets, MARC records, and XML files. Any questions can be sent to the repository team at The team is also happy to set up consultations to help put together tailored metadata profiles.

Field Guidelines
Title The title is a brief, descriptive statement about the object that should be as unique as possible within a collection. The title may also include a part number or part name (for example, periodical titles that are issued with series numbers).
Creator(s) and/or contributor(s) If known, the name of any person or organization responsible for creating or contributing to the resource. If possible, use names from the Library of Congress Name Authority File.
Date A date that describes when the resource was first available. This could be a publication or copyright date for published materials or a creation date for unpublished materials. Whenever possible, enter dates in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Language The language(s) of the resource, either written or spoken. It’s best practice to take language names from ISO 639-2. Items without linguistic content can be labeled “No linguistic content.”
Description The abstract is used for a general description of the item and its content.
Genre The genre describes the nature or material of the resource. It’s best practice to use genre terms from a controlled vocabulary, such as Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Type Vocabulary or the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).
Resource type A term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource. This is less specific than a resource’s genre. Use a term from the following list included in the MODS metadata standard.
Subject(s) At least one term that describes what the resource is about. If possible, use terms from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) or Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST).
Copyright A statement describing copyright or access-related information about the resource. Use a statement from if possible.
Electronic Theses & Dissertations
Electronic Theses & Dissertations
Michigan Farming Historical Newspapers
Michigan Farming Historical Newspapers
Australian Turfgrass Management Journal
Australian Turfgrass Management Journal
Radicalism Posters Collection
Radicalism Posters Collection
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library Collection
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library Collection