Karen Langeland graduated with a BA in 1970 from Calvin College in physical education and received a Masters in athletic training from MSU after being hired as women’s basketball coach during the 1976-77 season. Under Ms. Langeland’s coaching, the team won the Big Ten Championship in 1997. She was instrumental in recruiting athletes who were serious about getting an education and as a result, members of her teams had a high graduation rate. She presently serves as the Assistant Athletic Director for the Intercollegiate Athletic programs at Michigan State University. Topics/people covered in the interview include: AIAW (Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women); Nicki Baile; Mary Lee Baker; Yvonne Bengore; Big Ten; Breslin Center; Analise Canoppers; Kathy Debor; Sue Gabaro; Gordon Guyer; Judd Heathcote; injuries; Mary Kay Ittenier; Tom Izzo; Nell Jackson; Brenda Jazowski; Jenison Fieldhouse; Kesha Kelly; Joe Kearney; Dominic Marion; M Peter McPherson; discrimination against women; Gwen Norrell; NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association); George Perles; Kristen Rasmussen; recruiting; Maxanne Reese; scholarships; student retention; team travel; Karen Timmer; Title IX; Clarence Underwood; Gail Valley; Doug Weaver; Robert Weiss; Roger & Laura Wilkinson