Lester Manderscheid came to MSU in 1956 after earning a BS and MS from Iowa State (1951 and 1952) and a PhD from Stanford, highlighting the topic of corn pricing and the influence it had on government policy. He served as assistant professor in agricultural economics from 1956-65 at which time he was promoted to associate professor. In 1968, Manderscheid began serving a dual assignment in agricultural economics and the Educational Development Program. He was promoted to professor in 1970 and became associate chair of agricultural economics in 1974, progressing to department chair in 1987, a position he held until 1992. Manderscheid taught graduate courses in econometrics, economics and agricultural economics, and undergraduate courses in statistical methods, program evaluation, and agricultural marketing. His research centered on the area of curriculum development. Manderscheid was honored in 1977 as teacher, scholar, adviser and academic leader during President Wharton's State of the University Address. Throughout his long career at the university, he served on numerous committees including CREW which revitalized undergraduate education, rethought the basic college and promoted education of the whole student. A member of the Academic Council, he was instrumental in revising bylaws, reducing the number of university committees, changing the idea of the different levels of participation, and standardizing university committee procedures. Manderscheid also served on several national and local committees and directed AID projects. He retired in 1994. Topics/people covered in the interview include: Art Adams; Walter Adams; agribusiness; American Agricultural Economics Association; Jim Anderson; Athletic Council; Lawrence Boger; Jim Bond; Jim Bonham; Rye Brown; John Bruff; Dick Burnett; John Cantlon; College of Ag and Natural Resources; Cooperative Extension; John DiBiaggio; John Donnath; James Dye; Carl Eicher; Dave Fischer; Darrell Good; Jack Gresmond; Gordon Guyer; Doug Hall; Larry Hamm; John Hannah; Steve Hansen; Edgar Harden; Cliff Hildreth; E B Hill; Glen Johnson; Hunter Kyle; Warren Lee; Long-Range Planning Council; Cecil Mackey; Dean McKean; M Peter McPherson; Academic Council; Alumni Association; Athletic Council; MSU Board of Trustees; budget issues; Channel 10 & 23; College Curriculum Committee; computerization; curriculum development; Dem Hall; Educational Policies Committee; fire on 12/31/1999; Provost Selection Committee; racism; student unrest; tenure issues; University Faculty Tenure Committee; NASA; Jake Nevel; Gwen Norrell; Chris Peterson; Fred Poston; remote sensing; Dave Schweickart; David Scott; Jim Shaffer; Henry Silverman; Willard Sparks; Lansing State Journal; Scott Swenton; Bill Taylor; Cherry Ulry; University Club; USDA; Warren Vincent; Larry Wedd; Wharton Center for Performing Arts; Clifton Wharton; John Wilson; Lee Winder; Mary Zingers