The Seeding and Care of Golf Courses
Includes: Turf Problems (Producing Results on the Golf Course; The Turf-Nut; and Seed Selection); The Soil (Making the Best of Poor Land; and The Ideal Soil); Making the Fairway (Time Required; Humous Material; Plowing; Grading; Drainage; Enriching the Surface Soil; Harrowing; Sandy Fairways; Selecting the Seed; Mixtures; Soil-Testing; Seed Quality; and Seeding); Building the Putting-Green (Drainage; Soil; The Seed-Bed; Seed for the Green; Weeds; and Turfing); The Care of the Turf (Improving Old Turf; Maintenance of the Course; Mowing; Rolling; Watering; Reseeding; Fertilizing; Sanding; Earthworms; Ants; Moles; and Brown Patch); Fertilizers (Continuous Fertilization; Barnyard Manure; Sheep Manure; Peat and Muck; Mushroom Soil; The Compost Heap; Commercial Fertilizers; Nitrate of Soda; Acid Phosphate; Potash; Sulphate of Ammonia; and Bone Meal); Weeds (Persistence of Weeds; Controlling Weeds; Methods of Eradication; Crab-Grass; Pigeon-Grass; Dandelion; Buckhorn Plantain; Broad Leaf Plantain; Chickweed; Creeping Thyme; Pearlwort; Pennywort; Moss; Poa annua; and Clean Seed); and Turf Grasses (Kentucky Blue-Grass; Canada Blue-Grass; Red-Top; Rye-Grasses; The Bent-Grasses; South German Mixed Bent; Rhode Island Bent; The Fescues; Chewings' Fescue; Creeping Red Fescue; Sheep's Fescue; Meadow Fescue; Bermuda-Grass; Carpet-Grass; Japan Clover; and White Clover).
- In Collections
Scotts Company Collection Monographs
- Copyright Status
- No Copyright
- Date Published
- Subjects
Golf courses
- Turfgrass Thesaurus Terms
Choice of cultivar
Golf course maintenance
Golf green construction
Site preparation
Soil improvement
- Material Type
- Publishers
O.M. Scott & Sons
- Language
- Pages
- 54 pages
- Catalog Record
- Permalink